

If the poison has gained full entrance into the system, in a short time the swelling extends, vesicles soon form, and the disorganization of the tissues is so rapid that gangrene is liable to intervene before the fatal issue. The patient becomes prostrated immediately after the infliction of the wound, and his condition strongly indicates the use of stimulants, even if the medical attendant were unfamiliar with the history of the snake-bite. There may be a slight delirium; the expression becomes anxious, the pulse rapid and feeble, the respiration labored, and the patient complains of a sense of suffocation.

Coma follows, and the respirations become slower and slower until death results. If the patient lives long enough, the discoloration of the extremity and the swelling may spread to the neck, chest and back. Loss of speech after snake-bite is discussed in Chapter XVII, under the head of Aphasia.

A peculiar complication is a distressing inflammation of the mouth of individuals that have sucked the wounds containing venom. This custom is still quite common, and is preferred by the laity to the surer and much wiser method of immediate cauterization by fire. There is a curious case reported of a young man who was bitten on the ankle by a viper; he had not sucked the wound, but he presented such an enormous swelling of the tongue as to be almost provocative of a fatal issue. In this case the lingual swelling was a local effect of the general constitutional disturbance.

Cases of Snake-bite.--The following case illustrative of the tenacity of virulence of snake-venom was reported by Mr. Temple, Chief Justice of Honduras, and quoted by a London authority.

While working at some wood-cutting a man was struck on a heavy boot by a snake, which he killed with an axe. He imagined that he had been efficiently protected by the boot, and he thought little of the incident. Shortly afterward he began to feel ill, sank into a stupor, and succumbed. His boots were sold after his death, as they were quite well made and a luxury in that country.

In a few hours the purchaser of the boots was a corpse, and every one attributed his death to apoplexy or some similar cause. The boots were again sold, and the next unfortunate owner died in an equally short time. It was then thought wise to examine the boots, and in one of them was found, firmly embedded, the fang of the serpent. It was supposed that in pulling on the boots each of the subsequent owners had scratched himself and became fatally inoculated with the venom, which was unsuspected and not combated. The case is so strange as to appear hypothetic, but the authority seems reliable.

The following are three cases of snake-bite reported by surgeons of the United States Army, two followed by recovery, and the other by death: Middleton mentions a private in the Fourth Cavalry, aged twenty-nine, who was bitten by a rattlesnake at Fort Concho, Texas, June 27, 1866. The bite opened the phalangeal joint of the left thumb, causing violent inflammation, and resulted in the destruction of the joint. Three years afterward the joint swelled and became extremely painful, and it was necessary to amputate the thumb. Campbell reports the case of a private of the Thirteenth Infantry who was bitten in the throat by a large rattlesnake. The wound was immediately sucked by a comrade, and the man reported at the Post Hospital, at Camp Cooke, Montana, three hours after the accident. The only noticeable appearance was a slightly wild look about the eyes, although the man did not seem to be the least alarmed. The region of the wound was hard and somewhat painful, probably from having been bruised by the teeth of the man who sucked the wound; it remained so for about three hours. The throat was bound up in rancid olive oil (the only kind at hand) and no internal remedy was administered. There were no other bad consequences, and the patient soon returned to duty.

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    她本是一天赋绝佳的散修,因抢夺宝物空间神剑被追杀,施展保命秘法却出了差错,一朝穿越到丞相府废材四小姐身上!双亲亡故,下人欺侮,同龄人肆意羞辱,浑身修为被废,最惨的是,遭倾心的少年帝王抛弃后,便要嫁给传闻中近身三米就能克死人的煞星王爷!面对穿越后的种种一切,她嘴角一扯笑得风轻云淡。堂堂绝世散修,坐拥天外空间神剑,里面还有个非洲黑人版暴躁老哥坐镇!开局一条狗,装备全靠捡!抄家敛财,炼药炼器,神通无数,脑子都不用动,一指弹走一切渣渣灰。至于煞星,还是皇帝?她回眸,目光落在一只搭在自己腰间的苍白修长的手上,忽而诡异一笑反手扣住:“我命硬,随你克?” 当命运再起轮回,玲珑崖下往生海汹涌澎湃,玲珑崖上净月剑血溅三尺,失去心的,究竟是她自己还是那与她宿命纠缠的少年帝王? 只知从此,时间之河无渡,悔恨之河,无渡。 (双洁,有甜有虐身心健康,HE结局大家欢喜)