

The captains of his Majesty's navy, indeed, or any other commissioned officers appointed by the Board of Admiralty, may inquire into the condition of the forts and garrisons, and report their observations to that board.But that board seems to have no direct jurisdiction over the committee, nor any authority to correct those whose conduct it may thus inquire into; and the captains of his Majesty's navy, besides, are not supposed to be always deeply learned in the science of fortification.Removal from an office which can be enjoyed only for the term of three years, and of which the lawful emoluments, even during that term, are so very small, seems to be the utmost punishment to which any committee-man is liable for any fault, except direct malversation, or embezzlement, either of the public money, or of that of the company; and the fear of that punishment can never be a motive of sufficient weight to force a continual and careful attention to a business to which he has no other interest to attend.The committee are accused of having sent out bricks and stones from England for the reparation of Cape Coast Castle on the coast of Guinea, a business for which Parliament had several times granted an extraordinary sum of money.These bricks and stones too, which had thus been sent upon so long a voyage, were said to have been of so bad a quality that it was necessary to rebuild from the foundation the walls which had been repaired with them.The forts and garrisons which lie north of Cape Rouge are not only maintained at the expense of the state, but are under the immediate government of the executive power; and why those which lie south of that Cape, and which are, in part at least, maintained at the expense of the state, should be under a different government, it seems not very easy even to imagine a good reason.The protection of the Mediterranean trade was the original purpose of pretence of the garrisons of Gibraltar and Minorca, and the maintenance and government of those garrisons has always been, very properly, committed, not to the Turkey Company, but to the executive power.In the extent of its dominion consists, in a great measure, the pride and dignity of that power; and it is not very likely to fail in attention to what is necessary for the defence of that dominion.The garrisons at Gibraltar and Minorca, accordingly, have never been neglected;though Minorca has been twice taken, and is now probably lost for ever, that disaster was never even imputed to any neglect in the executive power.I would not, however, be understood to insinuate that either of those expensive garrisons was ever, even in the smallest degree, necessary for the purpose for which they were originally dismembered from the Spanish monarchy.That dismemberment, perhaps, never served any other real purpose than to alienate from England her natural ally the King of Spain, and to unite the two principal branches of the house of Bourbon in a much stricter and more permanent alliance than the ties of blood could ever have united them.

Joint stock companies, established by Royal Charter or by Act of Parliament, differ in several respects, not only from regulated companies, but from private copartneries.

First, in a private copartnery, no partner, without the consent of the company, can transfer his share to another person, or introduce a new member into the company.Each member, however, may, upon proper warning, withdraw from the copartnery, and demand payment from them of his share of the common stock.In a joint stock company, on the contrary, no member can demand payment of his share from the company; but each member can, without their consent, transfer his share to another person, and thereby introduce a new member.The value of a share in a joint stock is always the price which it will bring in the market; and this may be either greater or less, in any proportion, than the sum which its owner stands credited for in the stock of the company.

Secondly, in a private copartnery, each partner is bound for the debts contracted by the company to the whole extent of his fortune.In a joint stock company, on the contrary, each partner is bound only to the extent of his share.

The trade of a joint stock company is always managed by a court of directors.This court, indeed, is frequently subject, in many respects, to the control of a general court of proprietors.

  • 大卖家


  • 央掘魔罗经


  • 腹黑大少强宠妻:宝贝,乖点


  • 我曾疯狂爱过你


  • 如果疼痛是必然


  • 将军缺老婆吗


    【冰山腹黑专一男】X【作天作地宠夫女】一朝醒来,段美成了大齐王朝丞相府叶楚蒙的三女儿两日前买的一块地的看门大爷新娶老婆带来的一个病秧子。这人生从起点就废了,没有奶茶,没有蛋糕,没有小龙坎,还是自行了断吧。 看着锈成废铁的匕首,段美觉得自己胳膊没断,这屁刀该断了。 算了,鼓起勇气笑着活下去。 段美先是学了一身治病救人的本领,成功打入皇宫内部,准备来个步步高升,结果闯了二皇子的浴室,又打翻了五皇子的宝贝,还戳破了三皇子的惊天大秘密,一不小心还和皇帝去世的宠妃撞了脸。 段美抹抹眼泪,起身拍拍身上的土,自己加油打气。 “奥利给,活着就有希望!” “你说啥!” “我说奥利给。” “你是来拉屎的吗?” “一给我里giaogiao!” “卧槽,亲人?” “卧槽,你也是穿过来的?” “网连上了!” 段美和五皇子抱头痛哭,“亲人啊,亲人!” 可就算是亲人也挡不住有人要杀她。 段美哭嚎着奔跑“不升职了,不升职了,我就想活着成不成?” “成!” 一个美男子从天而降,来了一个英雄救美。 段美立刻抱紧他的大腿,“请问将军缺老婆吗?” “好像缺一个。” “选我选我,我超甜!”
  • 天行


  • 巨星从演太监开始


  • 三里清风明月


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