

Indeed,--before consenting to the confiscation of his fields, before bidding farewell to the paternal roof,--the peasant, whose story we have just told, makes a desperate effort; he leases new land; he will sow one-third more; and, taking half of this new product for himself, he will harvest an additional sixth, and thereby pay his rent.What an evil! To add one-sixth to his production, the farmer must add, not one-sixth, but two-sixths to his labor.At such a price, he pays a farm-rent which in God's eyes he does not owe.

The tenant's example is followed by the manufacturer.The former tills more land, and dispossesses his neighbors; the latter lowers the price of his merchandise, and endeavors to monopolize its manufacture and sale, and to crush out his competitors.To satisfy property, the laborer must first produce beyond his needs.Then, he must produce beyond his strength; for, by the withdrawal of laborers who become proprietors, the one always follows from the other.But to produce beyond his strength and needs, he must invade the production of another, and consequently diminish the number of producers.Thus the proprietor--after having lessened production by stepping outside--lessens it still further by encouraging the monopoly of labor.Let us calculate it.

The laborer's deficit, after paying his rent, being, as we have seen, one-tenth, he tries to increase his production by this amount.He sees no way of accomplishing this save by increasing his labor: this also he does.The discontent of the proprietors who have not received the full amount of their rent; the advantageous offers and promises made them by other farmers, whom they suppose more diligent, more industrious, and more reliable;the secret plots and intrigues,--all these give rise to a movement for the re-division of labor, and the elimination of a certain number of producers.Out of nine hundred, ninety will be ejected, that the production of the others may be increased one-tenth.But will the total product be increased? Not in the least: there will be eight hundred and ten laborers producing as nine hundred, while, to accomplish their purpose, they would have to produce as one thousand.Now, it having been proved that farm-rent is proportional to the landed capital instead of to labor, and that it never diminishes, the debts must continue as in the past, while the labor has increased.Here, then, we have a society which is continually decimating itself, and which would destroy itself, did not the periodical occurrence of failures, bankruptcies, and political and economical catastrophes re-establish equilibrium, and distract attention from the real causes of the universal distress.

The monopoly of land and capital is followed by economical processes which also result in throwing laborers out of employment.Interest being a constant burden upon the shoulders of the farmer and the manufacturer, they exclaim, each speaking for himself, "I should have the means wherewith to pay my rent and interest, had I not to pay so many hands." Then those admirable inventions, intended to assure the easy and speedy performance of labor, become so many infernal machines which kill laborers by thousands.

"A few years ago, the Countess of Strafford ejected fifteen thousand persons from her estate, who, as tenants, added to its value.This act of private administration was repeated in 1820, by another large Scotch proprietor, towards six hundred tenants and their families."--Tissot: on Suicide and Revolt.

_ _The author whom I quote, and who has written eloquent words concerning the revolutionary spirit which prevails in modern society, does not say whether he would have disapproved of a revolt on the part of these exiles.For myself, I avow boldly that in my eyes it would have been the first of rights, and the holiest of duties; and all that I desire to-day is that my profession of faith be understood.

Society devours itself,--1.By the violent and periodical sacrifice of laborers: this we have just seen, and shall see again; 2.By the stoppage of the producer's consumption caused by property.These two modes of suicide are at first simultaneous;but soon the first is given additional force by the second, famine uniting with usury to render labor at once more necessary and more scarce.

By the principles of commerce and political economy, that an industrial enterprise may be successful, its product must furnish,--1.The interest on the capital employed; 2.Means for the preservation of this capital; 3.The wages of all the employees and contractors.Further, as large a profit as possible must be realized.

The financial shrewdness and rapacity of property is worthy of admiration.Each different name which increase takes affords the proprietor an opportunity to receive it,--1.In the form of interest; 2.In the form of profit.For, it says, a part of the income derived from manufactures consists of interest on the capital employed.If one hundred thousand francs have been invested in a manufacturing enterprise, and in a year's time five thousand francs have been received therefrom in addition to the expenses, there has been no profit, but only interest on the capital.Now, the proprietor is not a man to labor for nothing.

Like the lion in the fable, he gets paid in each of his capacities; so that, after he has been served, nothing is left for his associates.

_Ego primam tollo, nominor quia leo.

Secundam quia sum fortis tribuctis mihi.

Tum quia plus valeo, me sequetur tertia.

Malo adficietur, si quis quartam tetigerit._I know nothing prettier than this fable.

"I am the contractor.I take the first share.

I am the laborer, I take the second.

I am the capitalist, I take the third.

I am the proprietor, I take the whole."

In four lines, Phaedrus has summed up all the forms of property.

I say that this interest, all the more then this profit, is impossible.

  • 迟迟风月归


  • 久碍


  • 天行


  • 天行


  • 探险同盟


  • 属于我们的夏季


  • 恋想悠悠别时圆


    故事讲述了一个平凡女孩和一个大明星的爱情罗曼史,在相处过程中一对欢喜冤家慢慢地对彼此爱慕之情越来越深,最终天意弄人还是离别了。 树秋说:遇上你是我这辈子最不幸的事,昨天被当成贼、今天我的工作没有了,唯一的稻草都被打得七八烂....话还没说完,云溪深情款款地望着她说;你还有我,以后我养你就好,不论大事小事我都会负责到底,你要相信我。
  • 天行


  • 偶像攻略


  • 她的整个青春

