

Mabel Dunham, though unsophisticated, like most of her countrywomen of that period, and ingenuous and frank as any warm-hearted and sincere-minded girl well could be, was not altogether without a feeling for the poetry of this beautiful earth of ours.Although she could scarcely be said to be educated at all, for few of her *** at that day and in this country received much more than the rudiments of plain English instruction, still she had been taught much more than was usual for young women in her own station in life; and, in one sense certainly, she did credit to her teaching.The widow of a field-officer, who formerly belonged to the same regiment as her father, had taken the child in charge at the death of its mother;and under the care of this lady Mabel had acquired some tastes and many ideas which otherwise might always have remained strangers to her.Her situation in the family had been less that of a domestic than of a humble com-panion, and the results were quite apparent in her attire, her language, her sentiments, and even in her feelings, though neither, perhaps, rose to the level of those which would properly characterize a lady.She had lost the less refined habits and manners of one in her original position, without having quite reached a point that disqualified her for the situation in life that the accidents of birth and fortune would probably compel her to fill.All else that was distinctive and peculiar in her belonged to natural character.

With such antecedents it will occasion the reader no wonder if he learns that Mabel viewed the novel scene before her with a pleasure far superior to that produced by vulgar surprise.She felt its ordinary beauties as most would have felt them, but she had also a feeling for its sublimity -- for that softened solitude, that calm grandeur, and eloquent repose, which ever pervades broad views of natural objects yet undisturbed by the labors and strug-gles of man.

"How beautiful!" she exclaimed, unconscious of speak-ing, as she stood on the solitary bastion, facing the air from the lake, and experiencing the genial influence of its freshness pervading both her body and her mind.

"How very beautiful! and yet how singular!"The words, and the train of her ideas, were interrupted by a touch of a finger on her shoulder, and turning, in the expectation of seeing her father, Mabel found Pathfinder at her side.He was leaning quietly on his long rifle, and laughing in his quiet manner, while, with an outstretched arm, he swept over the whole panorama of land and water.

"Here you have both our domains," said he, -- "Jasper's and mine.The lake is for him, and the woods are for me.The lad sometimes boasts of the breadth of his dominions; but I tell him my trees make as broad a plain on the face of this 'arth as all his water.Well, Mabel, you are fit for either; for I do not see that fear of the Mingos, or night-marches, can destroy your pretty looks.""It is a new character for the Pathfinder to appear in, to compliment a silly girl.""Not silly, Mabel; no, not in the least silly.The Ser-geant's daughter would do discredit to her worthy father, were she to do or say anything that could be called silly.""Then she must take care and not put too much faith in treacherous, flattering words.But, Pathfinder, I rejoice to see you among us again; for, though Jasper did not seem to feel much uneasiness, I was afraid some accident might have happened to you and your friend on that frightful rift.""The lad knows us both, and was sartain that we should not drown, which is scarcely one of my gifts.It would have been hard swimming of a sartainty, with a long-barrelled rifle in the hand; and what between the game, and the savages and the French, Killdeer and Ihave gone through too much in company to part very easily.No, no; we waded ashore, the rift being shallow enough for that with small exceptions, and we landed with our arms in our hands.We had to take our time for it, on account of the Iroquois, I will own; but, as soon as the skulking vagabonds saw the lights that the Sergeant sent down to your canoe, we well understood they would decamp, since a visit might have been expected from some of the garrison.So it was only sitting patiently on the stones for an hour, and all the danger was over.Patience is the greatest of virtues in a woodsman.""I rejoice to hear this, for fatigue itself could scarcely make me sleep, for thinking of what might befall you.""Lord bless your tender little heart, Mabel! but this is the way with all you gentle ones.I must say, on my part, however, that I was right glad to see the lanterns come down to the waterside, which I knew to be a sure sign of _your_ safety.We hunters and guides are rude beings; but we have our feelings and our idees, as well as any general in the army.Both Jasper and I would have died before you should have come to harm -- we would.""I thank you for all you did for me, Pathfinder; from the bottom of my heart, I thank you; and, depend on it, my father shall know it.I have already told him much, but have still a duty to perform on this subject.""Tush, Mabel! The Sergeant knows what the woods be, and what men -- true red men -- be, too.There is lit-tle need to tell him anything about it.Well, now you have met your father, do you find the honest old soldier the sort of person you expected to find ?""He is my own dear father, and received me as a soldier and a father should receive a child.Have you known him long, Pathfinder?""That is as people count time.I was just twelve when the Sergeant took me on my first scouting, and that is now more than twenty years ago.We had a tramping time of it; and, as it was before your day, you would have had no father, had not the rifle been one of my natural gifts.""Explain yourself."

"It is too ****** for many words.We were ambushed, and the Sergeant got a bad hurt, and would have lost his scalp, but for a sort of inbred turn I took to the weapon.

  • 技术


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    Dream Life and Real Life

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    Gypsy Dictionary

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  • 《谁,被谁动了爱情?》


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  • 毒谋天下:皇叔的狠戾狂妃


  • 重生之无限嚣张


  • 凤袭天下:沉医


    什么样的人才能成为人中龙凤?不是一生下来口含金汤匙,也不是凭借想象,一句我要称霸不付出任何努力就可以君临天下。水幻,曾被指认由婢女和侍卫私通生下来的孤儿,修罗狱中千锤百炼,终究炼不出铮铮傲骨。“天女归位,世事无常。”她是落入凡间的凤凰,前世今生,万般磨难之后,终于凤临九天。“涅槃之后,脱胎换骨。”他是破而后立的神君,缠绵牵绊,缘起缘落之间,莫问情深情浅。◆◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆卷二更新中:守护魔界的神器居然就是水妖剑,水幻的修罗狱之行究竟是对是错。事情越发错综复杂,水幻带着决然去了内修罗狱,寻找传说中的救命灵药。她究竟能不能够找到呢?在那里又会遇到什么新的挑战?来点预告先 ̄◆◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆片段一:水色吾爱。这就是无殇的劫,他用尽一生去爱的女子,成就了他,也毁掉了他···“魔族秘史壬辰年七月,帝揽一人类女子出入宗堂庙宇,无视宗纪王法。不顾众人反对废黜后宫,拥立女子为后。闻此女倾城美色,眼若水凝,故名水色。后擅琴技,常与帝于园中琴瑟相合,渺渺琴音,酒色糜烂。后以上古睚眦之骨、蟠龙宝玉、千年玄冰寒铁等诸多名贵之物,耗费巨资魔力,历时九九八十一天铸绝世好剑。绝剑问世,帝后登佛山天麓祭祀。天怒,剑池崩而火至,凡铸师皆落入熔池,不得还生。再经七七四十九天,青光骤然揭起,地动山摇。绝剑自剑池出,所过之处无不畏骇。后赞此剑名贵,赐名‘水妖’。帝喜,以剑立契,以血铸魂。水妖过处,声色剧变,不饮血誓不回鞘。◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇片段二:白发飞扬,炯目修眉,霸然天成,唯我独尊。一身黑色玲珑战铠光芒流转,双手抱在胸前,看似懒散,却暗藏杀机。周身虚幻缥缈,并非实体,但浑身的气势,却是连赤泽云麟这样的瑞兽都压制了下去。”战···战魔?“当那一丝危险气息释放出来的时候,云麟差一点要掉自己的舌头。他很久没有感受过这样危险的气息了,虽然他看得出眼前的并非是本体,但就是这样虚无缥缈的形体才更加让他忌惮。他不是死了吗?他怎么还活着?◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇片段三:”该死的,敢拿小爷当软柿子捏,就让你付出点代价!“火红的焰色退去,从中走出一位赤发男子,宛如从烈火中诞生,周身散发着灼烈的气息,此刻他手中握着的正是造成这一场战斗的罪魁祸首,不过是试炼之境中的一粒黄沙。此刻被
  • 遇到他之后


  • 蓝颜情缘

