

It is not to be supposed that Sergeant Dunham, after he had parted from his commanding officer, was likely to forget the injunctions he had received.He thought highly of Jasper in general; but distrust had been insinuated be-tween his former confidence and the obligations of duty;and, as he now felt that everything depended on his own vigilance, by the time the boat reached the side of the _Scud_he was in a proper humor to let no suspicious circumstance go unheeded, or any unusual movement in the young sailor pass without its comment.As a matter of course, he viewed things in the light suited to his peculiar mood;and his precautions, as well as his distrust, partook of the habits, opinions, and education of the man.

The _Scud's_ kedge was lifted as soon as the boat with the Sergeant, who was the last person expected, was seen to quit the shore, and the head of the cutter was cast to the eastward by means of the sweeps.A few vigorous strokes of the latter, in which the soldiers aided, now sent the light craft into the line or the current that flowed from the river, when she was suffered to drift into the offing again.As yet there was no wind, the light and almost imperceptible air from the lake, that had existed previ-ously to the setting of the sun, having entirely failed.

All this time an unusual quiet prevailed in the cutter.

It appeared as if those on board of her felt that they were entering upon an uncertain enterprise, in the obscurity of night; and that their duty, the hour, and the manner of their departure lent a solemnity to their movements.Dis-cipline also came in aid of these feelings.Most were silent;and those who did speak spoke seldom and in low voices.

In this manner the cutter set slowly out into the lake, until she had got as far as the river current would carry her, when she became stationary, waiting for the usual land-breeze.An interval of half an hour followed, during the whole of which time the _Scud_ lay as motionless as a log, floating on the water.While the little changes just men-tioned were occurring in the situation of the vessel, not-withstanding the general quiet that prevailed, all conversa-tion had not been repressed; for Sergeant Dunham, having first ascertained that both his daughter and her female companion were on the quarter-deck, led the Pathfinder to the after-cabin, where, closing the door with great caution, and otherwise ****** certain that he was beyond the reach of eavesdroppers, he commenced as follows: --"It is now many years, my friend, since you began to experience the hardships and dangers of the woods in my company.""It is, Sergeant; yes it is.I sometimes fear I am too old for Mabel, who was not born until you and I had fought the Frenchers as comrades.""No fear on that account, Pathfinder.I was near your age before I prevailed on the mind of her mother; and Mabel is a steady, thoughtful girl, one that will regard character more than anything else.A lad like Jasper Eau-douce, for instance, will have no chance with her, though he is both young and comely.""Does Jasper think of marrying?" inquired the guide, simply but earnestly.

"I should hope not -- at least, not until he has satisfied every one of his fitness to possess a wife.""Jasper is a gallant boy, and one of great gifts in his way; he may claim a wife as well as another.""To be frank with you, Pathfinder, I brought you here to talk about this very youngster.Major Duncan has re-ceived some information which has led him to suspect that Eau-douce is false, and in the pay of the enemy; I wish to hear your opinion on the subject.""Anan?"

"I say, the Major suspects Jasper of being a traitor -- a French spy -- or, what is worse, of being bought to betray us.He has received a letter to this effect, and has been charging me to keep an eye on the boy's movements; for he fears we shall meet with enemies when we least suspect it, and by his means.""Duncan of Lundie has told you this, Sergeant Dun-ham?"

"He has indeed, Pathfinder; and, though I have been loath to believe anything to the injury of Jasper, I have a feeling which tells me I ought to distrust him.Do you believe in presentiments, my friend?

"In what, Sergeant?"

"Presentiments, -- a sort of secret foreknowledge of events that are about to happen.The Scotch of our regi-ment are great sticklers for such things; and my opinion of Jasper is changing so fast, that I begin to fear there must be some truth in their doctrines.""But you've been talking with Duncan of Lundie con-cerning Jasper, and his words have raised misgivings.""Not it, not so in the least; for, while conversing with the Major, my feelings were altogether the other way; and I endeavored to convince him all I could that he did the boy injustice.But there is no use in holding out against a presentiment, I find; and I fear there is something in the suspicion after all.""I know nothing of presentiments, Sergeant; but I have known Jasper Eau-douce since he was a boy, and I have as much faith in his honesty as I have in my own, or that of the Sarpent himself.""But the Serpent, Pathfinder, has his tricks and am-bushes in war as well as another."

"Ay, them are his nat'ral gifts, and are such as belong to his people.Neither red-skin nor pale-face can deny natur'; but Chingachgook is not a man to feel a pre-sentiment against."

"That I believe; nor should I have thought ill of Jasper this very morning.It seems to me, Pathfinder, since I've taken up this presentiment, that the lad does not bustle about his deck naturally, as he used to do; but that he is silent and moody and thoughtful, like a man who has a load on his conscience.""Jasper is never noisy; and he tells me noisy ships are generally ill-worked ships.Master Cap agrees in this too.

No, no; I will believe naught against Jasper until I see it.

  • 皇宋无敌


  • 第一帝尊


  • 无极剑墟


  • 天行


  • 保护我方唐僧肉


  • 前任难撩


    两年半前。关欧:“五十万,给你,我相信你一定会度过这次难关的。”苏还捂脸哭泣,动容不已,一波三折最终创业成功以后,向关欧提出:“我们各自冷静一段时间吧。”“?”穿得光鲜亮丽的关欧没被求婚,却被冷静了。一冷静就是两年半。在她已经默认分手的时候,苏还又回来了,声称冷静够了,眉目传情,与她提结婚。“?”关欧让他滚。 后来,后来,后来,关欧猫狗双全,众所周知,此狗为:狗男人的狗。 狗男人的兄弟董昇总是大喊:“把你家绳儿牵好了!除了你没人能治这个狗男人!” 关欧一个眼神瞪过去,狗男人总是乖乖跟回家。 作者:又名《训狗记》
  • 这个圣子有点键


  • 可不可以为我心动一次


  • 心不琢抑不靡


  • 一品鸡汤

