

Another was that the balcony in question didn't somehow show as a convenience easy to surrender.Poor Strether had at this very moment to recognise the truth that wherever one paused in Paris the imagination reacted before one could stop it.This perpetual reaction put a price, if one would, on pauses; but it piled up consequences till there was scarce room to pick one's steps among them.What call had he, at such a juncture, for example, to like Chad's very house? High broad clear--he was expert enough to make out in a moment that it was admirably built--it fairly embarrassed our friend by the quality that, as he would have said, it "sprang"on him.He had struck off the fancy that it might, as a preliminary, be of service to him to be seen, by a happy accident, from the third-story windows, which took all the March sun, but of what service was it to find himself ****** out after a moment that the quality "sprung," the quality produced by measure and balance, the fine relation of part to part and space to space, was probably--aided by the presence of ornament as positive as it was discreet, and by the complexion of the stone, a cold fair grey, warmed and polished a little by life--neither more nor less than a case of distinction, such a case as he could only feel unexpectedly as a sort of delivered challenge? Meanwhile, however, the chance he had allowed for--the chance of being seen in time from the balcony--had become a fact.Two or three of the windows stood open to the violet air; and, before Strether had cut the knot by crossing, a young man had come out and looked about him, had lighted a cigarette and tossed the match over, and then, resting on the rail, had given himself up to watching the life below while he smoked.His arrival contributed, in its order, to keeping Strether in position; the result of which in turn was that Strether soon felt himself noticed.The young man began to look at him as in acknowledgement of his being himself in observation.

This was interesting so far as it went, but the interest was affected by the young man's not being Chad.Strether wondered at first if he were perhaps Chad altered, and then saw that this was asking too much of alteration.The young man was light bright and alert--with an air too pleasant to have been arrived at by patching.Strether had conceived Chad as patched, but not beyond recognition.He was in presence, he felt, of amendments enough as they stood; it was a sufficient amendment that the gentleman up there should be Chad's friend.He was young too then, the gentleman up there--he was very young; young enough apparently to be amused at an elderly watcher, to be curious even to see what the elderly watcher would do on finding himself watched.There was youth in that, there was youth in the surrender to the balcony, there was youth for Strether at this moment in everything but his own business; and Chad's thus pronounced association with youth had given the next instant an extraordinary quick lift to the issue.

The balcony, the distinguished front, testified suddenly, for Strether's fancy, to something that was up and up; they placed the whole case materially, and as by an admirable image, on a level that he found himself at the end of another moment rejoicing to think he might reach.The young man looked at him still, he looked at the young man; and the issue, by a rapid process, was that this knowledge of a perched privacy appeared to him the last of luxuries.To him too the perched privacy was open, and he saw it now but in one light--that of the only domicile, the only fireside, in the great ironic city, on which he had the shadow of a claim.

Miss Gostrey had a fireside; she had told him of it, and it was something that doubtless awaited him; but Miss Gostrey hadn't yet arrived--she mightn't arrive for days; and the sole attenuation of his excluded state was his vision of the small, the admittedly secondary hotel in the bye-street from the Rue de la Paix, in which her solicitude for his purse had placed him, which affected him somehow as all indoor chill, glass-roofed court and slippery staircase, and which, by the same token, expressed the presence of Waymarsh even at times when Waymarsh might have been certain to be round at the bank.It came to pass before he moved that Waymarsh, and Waymarsh alone, Waymarsh not only undiluted but positively strengthened, struck him as the present alternative to the young man in the balcony.When he did move it was fairly to escape that alternative.Taking his way over the street at last and passing through the porte-cochere of the house was like consciously leaving Waymarsh out.However, he would tell him all about it.

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