

"Not for all the world," said Miss Gale. "Make a bundle of it for me to take home. It is only poison in the hands of ignoramuses. It is most sovereign medicine. I shall make tinctures, and check many a sharp ill with it. Given in time, it cuts down fever wonderfully; and when you check the fever, you check the disease."Soon after this Miss Gale said she had not come to stop; she was on her way to Taddington to buy lint and German styptics, and many things useful in domestic surgery. "For," said she, "the people at Hillstoke are relenting; at least, they run to me with their cut fingers and black eyes, though they won't trust me with their sacred rheumatics. I must also supply myself with vermifuges till the well is dug, and so mitigate puerile puttiness and internal torments."The other ladies were not sorry to get rid of an irrelevant zealot, who talked neither love, nor dress, nor anything that reaches the soul.

So Zoe said, "What, going already?" and having paid that tax to politeness, returned to the house with alacrity.

But the doctress would not go without her Wolf's-bane, Aconite ycleped.

The irrelevant zealot being gone, the true business of the mind was resumed; and that is love-******, or novelists give us false pictures of life, and that is impossible.

As the doctress drove from the front door, Lord Uxmoor emerged from the library--a coincidence that made both girls smile; he hoped Miss Vizard was not too tired to take another turn.

"Oh no!" said Zoe: "are you, Fanny?"

At the first step they took, Severne came round an angle of the building and joined them. He had watched from the balcony of his bedroom.

Both men looked black at each other, and made up to Zoe. She felt uncomfortable, and hardly knew what to do. However, she would not seem to observe, and was polite, but a little stiff, to both.

However, at last, Severne, having asserted his rights, as he thought, gave way, but not without a sufficient motive, as may be gathered from his first word to Fanny.

"My dear friend, for Heaven's sake, what is the matter? She is angry with me about something. What is it? has she told you?""Not a word. But I see she is in a fury with you; and really it is too ridiculous. You told a fib; that is the mighty matter, I do believe. No, it isn't; for you have told her a hundred, no doubt, and she liked you all the better; but this time you have been naughty enough to be found out, and she is romantic, and thinks her lover ought to be the soul of truth.""Well, and so he ought," said Ned.

"He isn't, then;" and Fanny burst out laughing so loud that Zoe turned round and enveloped them both in one haughty glance, as the exaggerating Gaul would say.

"La! there was a look for you!" said Fanny, pertly: "as if I cared for her black brows.""I do, though: pray remember that."

"Then tell no more fibs. Such a fuss about nothing! What is a fib?" and she turned up her little nose very contemptuously at all such trivial souls as minded a little mendacity.

Indeed, she disclaimed the importance of veracity so imperiously that Severne was betrayed into saying, "Well, not much, between you and me;and I'll be bound I can explain it."

"Explain it to me, then."

"Well, but I don't know--"

"Which of your fibs it was."

Another silver burst of laughter. But Zoe only vouchsafed a slightly contemptuous movement of her shoulders.

"Well, no," said Severne, half laughing himself at the sprightly jade's smartness.

"Well, then, that friend of yours that called at luncheon."Severne turned grave directly. "Yes," said he.

"You said he was your lawyer, and came about a lease.""So he did."

"And his name was Jackson.

"So it was."

"This won't do. You mustn't fib to _me!_ It was Poikilus, a Secret Inquiry; and they all know it; now tell me, without a fib-- if you can--what ever did you want with Poikilus?"Severne looked aghast. He faltered out, "Why, how could they know?""Why, he advertises, stupid! and Lord Uxmoor and Harrington had seen it.

Gentlemen _read_ advertisements. That is one of their peculiarities.""Of course he advertises: that is not what I mean. I did not drop his card, did I? No; I am sure I pocketed it directly. What mischief-****** villain told them it was Poikilus?"Fanny colored a little, but said, hastily, "Ah, that I could not tell you.""The footman, perhaps?"

"I should not wonder." (What is a fib?)

"Curse him!"

"Oh, don't swear at the servants; that is bad taste.""Not when he has ruined me?"

"Ruined you?--nonsense! Make up some other fib, and excuse the first.""I can't. I don't know what to do; and before my rival, too! This accounts for the air of triumph he has worn ever since, and her glances of scorn and pity. She is an angel, and I have lost her.""Stuff and nonsense!" said Fanny Dover. "Be a man, and tell me the truth.""Well, I will," said he; "for I am in despair. It is all that cursed money at Homburg. I could not clear my estate without it. I dare not go for it. She forbade me; and indeed I can't bear to leave her for anything; so I employed Poikilus to try and learn whether that lady has the money still, and whether she means to rob me of it or not."Fanny Dover reflected a moment, then delivered herself thus: "You were wrong to tell a fib about it. What you must do now--brazen it out. Tell her you love her, but have got your pride and will not come into her family a pauper. Defy her, to be sure; we like to be defied now and then, when we are fond of the fellow.""I will do it," said he; "but she shuns me. I can't get a word with her."Fanny said she would try and manage that for him; and as the rest of their talk might not interest the reader, and certainly would not edify him, I pass on to the fact that she did, that very afternoon, go into Zoe's room, and tell her Severne was very unhappy: he had told a fib; but it was not intended to deceive her, and he wished to explain the whole thing.

"Did he explain it to you?" asked Zoe, rather sharply.

"No; but he said enough to make me think you are using him very hardly.

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  • 全球时代


  • 回梦上


    2018年X月X日是夜,带走了不可思议的事情,消失在了沉睡中,意外成为植物人,探索了不可思议的大千世界,等待她的是爱情还是危险? 欢迎来到——梦的世界 我是您的智能系统003,你的任务是完成配角与反派的逆袭,改变他们的命运。 第一个世界:拯救自己计划(感情篇) 第二个世界:大佬的弟弟(末世篇) 第三个世界: 第四个世界: …… 前所未有的穿越,未知的危险,即将开始,身为学霸的她将如何化解危机,回到自己原来的生活呢? 某女:准备就绪!
  • 女帝她开挂了


    新书【我靠开道观红遍全世界】已开,欢迎各位小天使捧场~ 【略搞笑文风+修真+锦鲤好运+装逼打脸】万妖女帝跨界而来,变身天道亲闺女,一路开挂! 顺带,撩拨命中注定的傲娇未婚夫。 嬴少黑着脸:“不准抱我!你没资格做我未婚妻!” 殷芒默默伸爪子揩油。 嬴少:“不准过来!不准吃我豆腐!” 少女一口亲上。 后来…… 男人跪坐在地上,微微仰眸,眸色水润:“阿殷,我错了,你原谅我……好不好?”【默默的套路,一向男强女更强,女主对男主一见钟情,苏爽无度,不喜误入!】 【正文已完结,番外掉落中】
  • 曾经真的很爱你

