

Dumb--pale with terror and rage--bill in hand, Mrs. Score had followed the company; but when the coach disappeared, her senses returned. Back she flew into the inn, overturning the ostler, not deigning to answer Doctor Dobbs (who, from behind soft tobacco-fumes, mildly asked the reason of her disturbance), and, bounding upstairs like a fury, she rushed into the room where Catherine lay.

"Well, madam!" said she, in her highest key, "do you mean that you have come into this here house to swindle me? Do you dare for to come with your airs here, and call yourself a nobleman's lady, and sleep in the best bed, when you're no better nor a common tramper?

I'll thank you, ma'am, to get out, ma'am. I'll have no sick paupers in this house, ma'am. You know your way to the workhouse, ma'am, and there I'll trouble you for to go." And here Mrs. Score proceeded quickly to pull off the bedclothes; and poor Cat arose, shivering with fright and fever.

She had no spirit to answer, as she would have done the day before, when an oath from any human being would have brought half-a-dozen from her in return; or a knife, or a plate, or a leg of mutton, if such had been to her hand. She had no spirit left for such repartees; but in reply to the above words of Mrs. Score, and a great many more of the same kind--which are not necessary for our history, but which that lady uttered with inconceivable shrillness and volubility, the poor wench could say little,--only sob and shiver, and gather up the clothes again, crying, "Oh, aunt, don't speak unkind to me! I'm very unhappy, and very ill!""Ill, you strumpet! ill, be hanged! Ill is as ill does; and if you are ill, it's only what you merit. Get out! dress yourself--tramp!

Get to the workhouse, and don't come to cheat me any more! Dress yourself--do you hear? Satin petticoat forsooth, and lace to her smock!"Poor, wretched, chattering, burning, shivering Catherine huddled on her clothes as well she might: she seemed hardly to know or see what she was doing, and did not reply a single word to the many that the landlady let fall. Cat tottered down the narrow stairs, and through the kitchen, and to the door; which she caught hold of, and paused awhile, and looked into Mrs. Score's face, as for one more chance. "Get out, you nasty trull!" said that lady, sternly, with arms akimbo; and poor Catherine, with a most piteous scream and outgush of tears, let go of the door-post and staggered away into the road.

"Why, no--yes--no--it is poor Catherine Hall, as I live!" said somebody, starting up, shoving aside Mrs. Score very rudely, and running into the road, wig off and pipe in hand. It was honest Doctor Dobbs; and the result of his interview with Mrs. Cat was, that he gave up for ever smoking his pipe at the "Bugle;" and that she lay sick of a fever for some weeks in his house.

Over this part of Mrs. Cat's history we shall be as brief as possible; for, to tell the truth, nothing immoral occurred during her whole stay at the good Doctor's house; and we are not going to insult the reader by offering him silly pictures of piety, cheerfulness, good sense, and simplicity; which are milk-and-water virtues after all, and have no relish with them like a good strong vice, highly peppered. Well, to be short: Doctor Dobbs, though a profound theologian, was a very ****** gentleman; and before Mrs.

Cat had been a month in the house, he had learned to look upon her as one of the most injured and repentant characters in the world;and had, with Mrs. Dobbs, resolved many plans for the future welfare of the young Magdalen. "She was but sixteen, my love, recollect,"said the Doctor; "she was carried off, not by her own wish either.

The Count swore he would marry her; and, though she did not leave him until that monster tried to poison her, yet think what a fine Christian spirit the poor girl has shown! she forgives him as heartily--more heartily, I am sure, than I do Mrs. Score for turning her adrift in that wicked way." The reader will perceive some difference in the Doctor's statement and ours, which we assure him is the true one; but the fact is, the honest rector had had his tale from Mrs. Cat, and it was not in his nature to doubt, if she had told him a history ten times more wonderful.

The reverend gentleman and his wife then laid their heads together;and, recollecting something of John Hayes's former attachment to Mrs. Cat, thought that it might be advantageously renewed, should Hayes be still constant. Having very adroitly sounded Catherine (so adroitly, indeed, as to ask her "whether she would like to marry John Hayes?"), that young woman had replied, "No. She had loved John Hayes--he had been her early, only love; but she was fallen now, and not good enough for him." And this made the Dobbs family admire her more and more, and cast about for means to bring the marriage to pass.

Hayes was away from the village when Mrs. Cat had arrived there; but he did not fail to hear of her illness, and how her aunt had deserted her, and the good Doctor taken her in. The worthy Doctor himself met Mr. Hayes on the green; and, telling him that some repairs were wanting in his kitchen begged him to step in and examine them. Hayes first said no, plump, and then no, gently; and then pished, and then psha'd; and then, trembling very much, went in: and there sat Mrs. Catherine, trembling very much too.

What passed between them? If your Ladyship is anxious to know, think of that morning when Sir John himself popped the question.

  • 论势


  • 天平天国御制千字诏


  • 佛说了本生死经


  • 三家医案合刻


  • 随园诗话


  • 天行


  • 天行


  • 仁王护国般若波罗蜜经


  • 我在海贼王掠夺恶魔果实


  • YY人生


  • 护花狂少


  • 重生之做我老婆吧


  • 一念倾城之非你不可


  • 森林里的怪歌


  • 撒娇要了命


    高三的学生见到楼妗妗的最后一面是她穿着与年纪不符的包臀裙和高跟鞋,画着酒吧的夜妆去学校收拾东西,还顺便把班里那个总是传她坏话的女生的桌子给掀了。别人都在猜测这么会玩的女生将来会怎么样,被人包养?还是改邪归正?可谁都没有想到,楼妗妗在辍学后的二十三岁就死了,谁也不知道是怎么回事,只知道那个坐在教室后涂着酒红色指甲油,认识很多人的楼妗妗真的死了。楼妗妗自己也没有想到她竟然重生了。可是,她忘记了高三之后的一些事情。 她记得怎么远离家乡去打工,可她忘记了一个人,不知道自己到底是怎么死的。她回到了高一的时候,也重新遇到了季景玖。那个哄着她笑得人,“妗妗真乖。”季景玖是天上的月,朗朗明月,是神袛,不可侵犯的神圣。可他却为了楼妗妗拿起自己信奉了二十几年的手术刀去伤人。她说她不爱他,可他见过她因为他一句话就去努力的她。他说他不爱她,可她见过他喝醉后冒冒失失要抱她的他。他是救赎,她是光。她是他的太阳。