

The daughter of the Secretary for Households in Shuzhong Prefecture, Yang Yuhuan was more than just beautiful. She was gifted in both music and dance, and had a sweet disposition. Though she had been a concubine of Li Mao’s since she was 16, she never thought she could catch the eye of the Emperor. But she left Emperor Ming Huang speechless. He could not take his eyes off her. He had to find out who she was.

He ordered one of his trusted henchmen, a eunuch named Gao Lishi, to announce that Yang Yuhuan had been decreed a nun in the Taizhen Palace. One year later, Ming Huang made her the highest imperial concubine. He then ordered her to bathe in the Huaqing Pool, and sent two maids, Yongxin and Niannu, to wait on her. When she was done bathing she put on the beautiful dresses that had been prepared for her and Gao Lishi escorted her to the Palace of Eternal Youth.

The Emperor, sitting in this throne, gazed at her intently as she slowly entered the grand palace hall. She could feel her heart pounding violently in her chest as she blushed deeply.

“Yang Yuhuan presents herself to Your Majesty. Long live my lord.” She spoke the words as she knelt down in a courtesy. Once again the Emperor was awed by her beauty and grace. He was at a loss for words.

“I am from a petty family, and am quite plain-looking,” Yang Yuhuan continued, still kneeling and too afraid to stand up. “It’s a great honor to be chosen as your highest concubine. How can I repay the favor?”

“You are of noble blood, and you are both dazzling and virtuous. I want nothing more than for you to be the highest concubine,” replied the Emperor.

Dinner was ordered and before long maids brought out wines and exquisite dishes. Musicians began playing joyful songs while Yang Yuhuan proposed toasts to the Emperor, her eyes sparkling with delight. Ming Huang raised his glass. “Your beauty is unmatched. It is not only my will but that of the heavens that you be the highest concubine. May our love last forever.”

“It’s my great honor to be favored by Your Majesty,” Yang Yuhuan held up her cup as well. “I hope that I can be of great service to you. I swear to be with you forever, no matter what happens,” she said before draining her cup.

The two continued with their celebration. One by one servants and maids joined in the toasts. It grew late into the night, a full moon shining above them in the sky. Gao Lishi started cleaning up the dishes when the Emperor interrupted him.

“My beloved and I are going to enjoy the moon outside the hall.” Ming Huang took Yang Yuhuan’s arm and escorted her toward the western palace. The night was silent except for their conversation, and moonlight flowed on the ground like water. The pair pressed so closely to one another they could hear their two hearts beating. The Emperor looked at her pretty face and loved her even more. “Our love begins today,” he whispered, taking out a golden hairpin and a powder box from his coat. “I give you these as a token of our love.”

Yang Yuhuan accepted the presents and wanted to bow but the Emperor stopped her.

“From today on we will love each other forever. We will never separate, just like two peonies growing on intertwined branches or two lovebirds reaching for the sky together.”

Yang Yuhuan couldn’t take her eyes off the peonies and birds signs decorating the box and hairpin. She silently repeated the Emperor’s words to herself.

May our love last forever, inseparable just like two peonies growing on intertwined branches or two lovebirds reaching for the sky together.

  • 胡适:容忍与自由


  • 别时花溅泪,回首落红妆


  • 朝花夕拾


  • 假如生活欺骗了你:普希金抒情诗选


  • 秋水谣


  • 天行


  • 无忧岛


  • 天行


  • 铠圣


  • 谁说督主没爱情


  • 回首相望时光已不复从前


  • 彼岸花开忆琉璃


  • 意与镜


  • 颠覆晚唐


  • 回忆里的茧

