
第14章 罗得岛州(3)

The Rhode Island Red won.A bill to adopt the Rhode Island Red was introduced in the House,backed by farmers’groups and the American Legion.The Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs submitted a bill to name the hummingbird the state bird.

The Rhode Island Red Hen became Rhode Island’s official state bird at noon on May 3,1954,when Governor Roberts put his signature(签名,署名)on the bill.

State Flower州花


The violet is also the state flower for Illinois,New Jersey,and Wisconsin.

The distinctive feature of this violet is its leaves ,some of them are cut or divided into lobes(圆形突出部(尤指耳垂),[植]圆裂片).The prototypical early blue violet has lobed leaves,usually with five to eleven lobes .The plant has a mixture of lobed leaves and unlobed,heart-shaped leaves.This marks it as Viola palmata var.triloba,which was once considered a separate species(Viola triloba).Birdfoot violet and coast violet look somewhat similar,but their leaves are cut into much narrower lobes.

Stems:A thick underground caudex(木本植物的茎基,茎).


Leaves:All arising from base of plant.Petioles to +15cm long,hirsute(多毛的),with single longitudinal(纵向的)groove(纹路).Blades of lower leaves rounded at apex(顶点),reniform(肾脏形的),or ovate(卵形的),crenate to serrate(锯齿状的),pubescent(有软毛的).Upper leaf blades cordate(心脏形的)at base,gradually tapering to an acute or blunt apex,serrate,densely pubescent(hirsute),to +5cm broad,+5cm long.

Flowers:Corolla violet,3/4inch broad and long.Petals 5,fading to pale yellow at base,with dark venation(脉络)near base.Lateral petals bearded.Lower petal spurred.Stamens 5,connate(天生的,同族的)around ovary[(植物)子房].Bottom two stamens with flattened curved nectaries to +3mm long.Sepals 5,to 9mm long,3mm broad,mostly glabrous([生物]无毛的,光洁的)or very sparsely(稀疏地,稀少地)pubescent,topmost(最高的,顶端的)one recurved.Auricles(叶耳)1mm long,rounded at base.


Flower color:purple

Habitat:Slopes,open and low woods,thickets(灌木丛),streambanks,and limy(含石灰的,石灰似的)areas.

State Flag州旗


The flag of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations as it presently exists was formally adopted by the General Assembly at the January Session of 1897.Rhode Island was the third of the original thirteen colonies to formally adopt a State Flag,New Jersey and New York having done so in 1896.Although of such recent origin it incorporates(合并)all the features which from time to time have been prescribed(指示,规定)by the General Assembly.The colors,white and blue,are the same as those used in the flags carried by the regiments of the State of Rhode Island during the American Revolution,the War of 1812and the Mexican War.The stars which represent the thirteen original states were also used on flags of the Continental Regiments from Rhode Island during the Revolution.The anchor has been connected with Rhode Island since its foundation.In 1647the Assembly acting under the Cromwellian Patent of 1643setting up the Providence Plantations adopted the anchor as the seal of the province.In 1644when a more liberal charter was granted by King Charles II to the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,the anchor was again chosen for the seal but the word “Hope”was added over the head of the anchor.

State Song州歌

Rhode Island’s It for Me

I’ve been to every state we have,

and I think I’m inclined to say

that Rhody stole my heart:

You can keep the forty-nine.

Herring gulls that dot the sky,

blue waves that paint the rocks,

water rich with Neptune([天]海王星)’s life,

the boats that line the docks(〈美〉码头,船坞).

I see the lighthouse flickering(闪烁的)

to help the sailors see.

There’s a place for everyone:

Rhode Island’s It for Me.

Rhode Island,oh Rhode Island

surrounded by the sea.

Some people roam(漫游,徜徉)the earth for home;

Rhode Island’s It for Me.

I love the fresh October days,

the buzz(嗡嗡声)on College Hill,

art that moves an eye to tear,

a jewelers special skill.

Icicles(垂冰,冰柱)refract(使折射)the sun,

snow falling gracefully.

Some search for a place that’s warm:

Rhode Island’s It for Me!

Rhode Island,oh Rhode Island

surrounded by the sea.

Some people roam the earth for home;

Rhode Island’s It for Me.

The skyline(地平线,以天空为背景映出轮廓)

piercing Providence,

the State House dome so rare.

residents who speak their minds;

no longer unaware!

Roger Williams would be proud to see his colony,

so don’t sell short this precious port(港口):

Rhode Island’s It for Me!

Rhode Island,oh Rhode Island

surrounded by the sea.

Some people roam the earth for home;

Rhode Island’s It for Me.

Rhode Island,oh Rhode Island

surrounded by the sea.

Some people roam the earth for home.

Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.Rhode Island is the smallest state in size in the United States.It covers an area of 1,214square miles.Its distances North to South are 48miles and East to West 37miles.

2.Rhode Island was the last of the original thirteen colonies to become a state.

3.Rhode Island shares a state water border with New York.

4.The Cogswell Tower in Central Falls was the site of an Indian observation point in use during King Phillips War in 1676.The tower was built in 1904as part of the last will and testament(遗嘱)of Caroline Cogswell.

5.Rhode Island never ratified the 18th Amendment prohibition.

6.Judge Darius Baker imposed the first jail sentence for speeding in an automobile on August 28,1904in Newport.

7.Polo was played for the first time in the United States in 1876near Newport.

8.Rhode Island was home to the first National Lawn Tennis Championship(锦标赛)in 1899.

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