

The Journey.

It was perhaps the fiftieth time since the day on which we open this history, that this man.with a heart of bronze and muscles of steel, had left house and friends, everything, in short, to go in search of fortune and death.The one -- that is to say.death -- had constantly retreated before him, as if afraid of him; the other -- that is to say, fortune --for a month past only had really made an alliance with him.

Although he was not a great philosopher, after the fashion of either Epicurus or Socrates, he was a powerful spirit, having knowledge of life, and endowed with thought.No one is as brave, as adventurous, or as skillful as D'Artagnan, without being at the same time inclined to be a dreamer.He had picked up, here and there, some scraps of M.de la Rochefoucauld, worthy of being translated into Latin by MM.

de Port Royal, and he had made a collection, en passant, in the society of Athos and Aramis, of many morsels of Seneca and Cicero, translated by them, and applied to the uses of common life.That contempt of riches which our Gascon had observed as an article of faith during the thirty-five first years of his life, had for a long time been considered by him as the first article of the code of bravery."Article first," said he, "A man is brave because he has nothing.Aman has nothing because he despises riches." Therefore, with these principles, which, as we have said had regulated the thirty-five first years of his life, D'Artagnan was no sooner possessed of riches, than he felt it necessary to ask himself if, in spite of his riches, he were still brave.To this, for any other but D'Artagnan, the events of the Place de Greve might have served as a reply.Many consciences would have been satisfied with them, but D'Artagnan was brave enough to ask himself sincerely and conscientiously if he were brave.Therefore to this: --"But it appears to me that I drew promptly enough and cut and thrust pretty freely on the Place de Greve to be satisfied of my bravery," D'Artagnan had himself replied.

"Gently, captain, that is not an answer.I was brave that day, because they were burning my house, and there are a hundred, and even a thousand, to speak against one, that if those gentlemen of the riots had not formed that unlucky idea, their plan of attack would have succeeded, or, at least, it would not have been I who would have opposed myself to it.Now, what will be brought against me? I have no house to be burnt in Bretagne; I have no treasure there that can be taken from me.-- No; but I have my skin; that precious skin of M.d'Artagnan, which to him is worth more than all the houses and all the treasures of the world.That skin to which I cling above everything, because it is, everything considered, the binding of a body which encloses a heart very warm and ready to fight, and, consequently, to live.Then, I do desire to live; and, in reality, I live much better, more completely, since I have become rich.Who the devil ever said that money spoiled life! Upon my soul, it is no such thing; on the contrary, it seems as if Iabsorbed a double quantity of air and sun.Mordioux! what will it be then, if I double that fortune, and if, instead of the switch I now hold in my hand, I should ever carry the baton of a marechal? Then I really don't know if there will be, from that moment enough of air and sun for me.In fact, this is not a dream, who the devil would oppose it, if the king made me a marechal, as his father, King Louis XIII., made a duke and constable of Albert de Luynes? Am I not as brave, and much more intelligent, than that imbecile De Vitry? Ah! that's exactly what will prevent my advancement:

I have too much wit.Luckily, if there is any justice in this world, fortune owes me many compensations.She owes me certainly a recompense for all I did for Anne of Austria, and an indemnification for all she has not done for me.

Then, at the present, I am very well with a king, and with a king who has the appearance of determining to reign.May God keep him in that illustrious road! For, if he is resolved to reign he will want me; and if he wants me, he will give me what he has promised me -- warmth and light; so that Imarch, comparatively, now, as I marched formerly, -- from nothing to everything.Only the nothing of to-day is the all of former days; there has only this little change taken place in my life.And now let us see! let us take the part of the heart, as I just now was speaking of it.But in truth, I only spoke of it from memory." And the Gascon applied his hand to his breast, as if he were actually seeking the place where his heart was.

"Ah! wretch!" murmured he, smiling with bitterness."Ah!

poor mortal species! You hoped, for an instant, that you had not a heart, and now you find you have one -- bad courtier as thou art, -- and even one of the most seditious.You have a heart which speaks to you in favor of M.Fouquet.And what is M.Fouquet, when the king is in question? -- Aconspirator, a real conspirator, who did not even give himself the trouble to conceal his being a conspirator;therefore, what a weapon would you not have against him, if his good grace and his intelligence had not made a scabbard for that weapon.An armed revolt! -- for, in fact, M.

Fouquet has been guilty of an armed revolt.Thus, while the king vaguely suspects M.Fouquet of rebellion, I know it --I could prove that M.Fouquet had caused the shedding of the blood of his majesty's subjects.Now, then, let us see?

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