

But they are not all like the woman who now leaves him and his house behind, between whose plain dress and her refined manner there is something exceedingly inconsistent. She should be an upper servant by her attire, yet in her air and step, though both are hurried and assumed--as far as she can assume in the muddy streets, which she treads with an unaccustomed foot--she is a lady.

Her face is veiled, and still she sufficiently betrays herself to make more than one of those who pass her look round sharply.

She never turns her head. Lady or servant, she has a purpose in her and can follow it. She never turns her head until she comes to the crossing where Jo plies with his broom. He crosses with her and begs. Still, she does not turn her head until she has landed on the other side. Then she slightly beckons to him and says, "Come here!"Jo follows her a pace or two into a quiet court.

"Are you the boy I've read of in the papers?" she asked behind her veil.

"I don't know," says Jo, staring moodily at the veil, "nothink about no papers. I don't know nothink about nothink at all.""Were you examined at an inquest?"

"I don't know nothink about no--where I was took by the beadle, do you mean?" says Jo. "Was the boy's name at the inkwhich Jo?""Yes."

"That's me!" says Jo.

"Come farther up."

"You mean about the man?" says Jo, following. "Him as wos dead?""Hush! Speak in a whisper! Yes. Did he look, when he was living, so very ill and poor?""Oh, jist!" says Jo.

"Did he look like--not like YOU?" says the woman with abhorrence.

"Oh, not so bad as me," says Jo. "I'm a reg'lar one I am! You didn't know him, did you?""How dare you ask me if I knew him?"

"No offence, my lady," says Jo with much humility, for even he has got at the suspicion of her being a lady.

"I am not a lady. I am a servant."

"You are a jolly servant!" says Jo without the least idea of saying anything offensive, merely as a tribute of admiration.

"Listen and be silent. Don't talk to me, and stand farther from me! Can you show me all those places that were spoken of in the account I read? The place he wrote for, the place he died at, the place where you were taken to, and the place where he was buried?

Do you know the place where he was buried?"

Jo answers with a nod, having also nodded as each other place was mentioned.

"Go before me and show me all those dreadful places. Stop opposite to each, and don't speak to me unless I speak to you. Don't look back. Do what I want, and I will pay you well."Jo attends closely while the words are being spoken; tells them off on his broom-handle, finding them rather hard; pauses to consider their meaning; considers it satisfactory; and nods his ragged head.

"I'm fly," says Jo. "But fen larks, you know. Stow hooking it!""What does the horrible creature mean?" exclaims the servant, recoiling from him.

"Stow cutting away, you know!" says Jo.

"I don't understand you. Go on before! I will give you more money than you ever had in your life."Jo screws up his mouth into a whistle, gives his ragged head a rub, takes his broom under his arm, and leads the way, passing deftly with his bare feet over the hard stones and through the mud and mire.

Cook's Court. Jo stops. A pause.

"Who lives here?"

"Him wot give him his writing and give me half a bull," says Jo in a whisper without looking over his shoulder.

"Go on to the next."

Krook's house. Jo stops again. A longer pause.

"Who lives here?"

"HE lived here," Jo answers as before.

  • 菽園雜記


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    Painted Windows

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    她是21世纪被地府鬼差勾错魂的悲催杀手,而她则是沧月大陆北冥家最受宠爱的痴傻大小姐,绝美的容颜显赫的家世以及亲人的疼爱却让她死于非命。 不知是巧合还是命运的有意为之,一代杀手之王重生在了沧月国第一美人北冥妖月的身上。本着既来之则安之的心态,妖月想着既然来了,自然要在这异世活的精彩。只是当那些前尘往事一一揭开,不知她又将如何面对。而他本是冷心冷情的谪仙,初见之时他对着一具一动不动的好似尸体的她说到: “有趣!再见之时她一身红衣伤痕累累却掩不住那一双神采奕奕的眸。原本他应该是薄凉之人。谁曾想,那个让他感到有趣的人儿会是他一生放不下的执念。 为她入红尘,造杀戮,亦不悔!只因不愿一人独看这盛世风华!因为有她世界才不是灰色!简而言之,这是一个21世纪的杀手穿越到异世界打怪升级的故事,当然这过程中一直有谪仙般的男主一路陪着她从弱小到强大。本文女强男更强,强强联手。1V1欢迎入坑!
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