

From the old and pleasantly situated village of Mayenfeld, a footpath winds through green and shady meadows to the foot of the mountains, which on this side look down from their stern and lofty heights upon the valley below. The land grows gradually wilder as the path ascends, and the climber has not gone far before he begins to inhale the fragrance of the short grass and sturdy mountain-plants, for the way is steep and leads directly up to the summits above.

On a clear sunny morning in June two figures might be seen climbing the narrow mountain path; one, a tall strong-looking girl, the other a child whom she was leading by the hand, and whose little checks were so aglow with heat that the crimson color could be seen even through the dark, sunburnt skin. And this was hardly to be wondered at, for in spite of the hot June sun the child was clothed as if to keep off the bitterest frost.

She did not look more than five years old, if as much, but what her natural figure was like, it would have been hard to say, for she had apparently two, if not three dresses, one above the other, and over these a thick red woollen shawl wound round about her, so that the little body presented a shapeless appearance, as, with its small feet shod in thick, nailed mountain-shoes, it slowly and laboriously plodded its way up in the heat. The two must have left the valley a good hour's walk behind them, when they came to the hamlet known as Dorfli, which is situated half-way up the mountain. Here the wayfarers met with greetings from all sides, some calling to them from windows, some from open doors, others from outside, for the elder girl was now in her old home. She did not, however, pause in her walk to respond to her friends' welcoming cries and questions, but passed on without stopping for a moment until she reached the last of the scattered houses of the hamlet. Here a voice called to her from the door:

"Wait a moment, Dete; if you are going up higher, I will come with you."The girl thus addressed stood still, and the child immediately let go her hand and seated herself on the ground.

"Are you tired, Heidi?" asked her companion.

"No, I am hot," answered the child.

"We shall soon get to the top now. - You must walk bravely on a little longer, and take good long steps, and in another hour we shall be there," said Dete in an encouraging voice.

They were now joined by a stout, good-natured-looking woman, who walked on ahead with her old acquaintance, the two breaking forth at once into lively conversation about everybody and everything in Dorfli and its surroundings, while the child wandered behind them.

"And where are you off to with the child?" asked the one who had just joined the party. "I suppose it is the child your sister left?""Yes," answered Dete. "I am taking her up to Uncle, where she must stay.""The child stay up there with Alm-Uncle! You must be out of your senses, Dete! How can you think of such a thing! The old man, however, will soon send you and your proposal packing off home again!""He cannot very well do that, seeing that he is her grandfather.

He must do something for her. I have had the charge of the child till now, and I can tell you, Barbel, I am not going to give up the chance which has just fallen to me of getting a good place, for her sake. It is for the grandfather now to do his duty by her.""That would be all very well if he were like other people,"asseverated stout Barbel warmly, "but you know what he is. And what can he do with a child, especially with one so young! The child cannot possibly live with him. But where are you thinking of going yourself?""To Frankfurt, where an extra good place awaits me," answered Dete. "The people I am going to were down at the Baths last summer, and it was part of my duty to attend upon their rooms.

They would have liked then to take me away with them, but I could not leave. Now they are there again and have repeated their offer, and I intend to go with them, you may make up your mind to that!""I am glad I am not the child!" exclaimed Barbel, with a gesture of horrified pity. "Not a creature knows anything about the old man up there! He will have nothing to do with anybody, and never sets his foot inside a church from one year's end to another.

  • 六十种曲荆钗记


  • 上清紫微帝君南极元君玉经宝诀


  • 修养


  • 清微玄枢奏告仪


  • 典论


  • 少年鹤川


  • 惹不起的汪星人


  • 少林门徒


  • 冽风拥皎月


  • 照亮成长之路的故事


  • 风华趁今朝之长生迷梦


    展靖谙:爹爹说,靖谙,就是尽毕生全力,护王土之境,佑众生百姓,平安稳定。这样好的名字,我绝不辜负。 秦永珏:都说人在江湖,身不由己,而出生帝王家,更是做不得主。可普天之下,又有谁能活得随心所欲了?你我苦,百姓更苦。 赵遇铮:这世上,需要有人为侠义流血,也需要有人为侠义活着,哪怕苟且偷生。 将甚:百年之后,我们无异于世间一捧昏色尘土,纷纷洒洒,毫无知觉,或埋葬山川,或沉迹瀚海,消逝无踪……但侠义不会。 架空,女主武侠风,主角是四个妹子。女一男一cp,女三男一友情。 兄弟情、姐妹情、友情、爱情、亲情各种感情都有,门派众多,少年少女、恩怨情仇多不胜数,偏江湖群像。
  • 君主贪心


  • 天行


  • 腹黑霸道竹马:唯宠呆萌青梅


  • 冰清拓羁

