

"I must say a word in reference to the commandant's method of ****** 'investigations.' After sending for Cadet Corporal Tyler and other white cadets, and hearing their side of the story in reference to the tent wall and the disrespectful reply, he sent for me to hear what I had to say, and after I had given my version of the affair, he told me that I must surely be mistaken, as my statement did not coincide with those of the other cadets, who were unanimous in saying that I used not only disrespectful, but also profane language while addressing the cadet corporal. I told him that new Cadet Napier and my brother were both there and heard the conversation, and they would substantiate my statement if allowed to testify. He said he was convinced that I was in the wrong, and he did not send for either of them.

What sort of justice is that which can be meted out to one without allowing him to defend himself, and even denying him the privilege of calling his evidence?

What a model Chief Justice the Commandant of Cadets would make, since he can decide upon the merits of the case as soon as he has heard one side. Surely he has missed his calling by entering the army, or else the American people cannot appreciate true ability, for that 'officer and gentleman' ought now to be wearing the judicial robe so lately laid down by the lamented Chase.

"In reply to my complaint about the actions of the soldier in ordering my friends away from the visitors'

seats, he said that the soldier had misunderstood his orders, as the superintendent had told him to keep the colored servants on the 'Point' from coming in front of the battalion at parade, and that it was not meant to apply to my friends, who could come there whenever they wished.

"It seems, though, very strange to me that the soldier could misunderstand his orders, when he saw me sitting there in company with them, for it is one of the regulations of the Academy which forbids any cadet to associate with a servant, and if I had been seen doing such a thing I would have been court-martialled for 'conduct unbecoming a cadet and a gentleman.""The cadets were, of course, very much rejoiced at my being 'in arrest,' and after my sentence had been published at parade, they had quite a jubilee over it, and boasted of 'the skill and tact which Cadet Tyler had shown in putting the nigger out of the temptation of taking those black wenches to the hops.' They thought, no doubt, that their getting me into trouble frightened me out of any thoughts I might have had of attending the 'hops;'

but if I had any idea of going to the 'hops,' I should have been only more determined to go, and should have done so as soon as my term of confinement was ended.

I have never thought of going to the 'hops,' for it would be very little pleasure to go by myself, and Ishould most assuredly not have asked a lady to subject herself to the insults consequent upon going there.

Besides, as I said before, I did not go to West Point for the purpose of advocating social equality, for there are many cadets in the corps with whom I think it no honor for any one to associate, although they are among the high-toned aristocrats, and will, no doubt, soon be numbered among the 'officers and gentlemen' of the United States Army.

"Yours respectfully,"J. W. SMITH, "Late Cadet U.S.M.A."REPLY TO THE "WASHINGTON CHRONICLE.""COLUMBIA, S.C., August 25, 1874.

To the Editor of the New National Era:

"SIR: The following article appeared in the Washington Chronicle of the 14th inst., and as I feel somewhat interested in the statements therein contained, Idesire to say a few words in reference to them. The article referred to reads as follows:

"'The recent attack of the colored, ex-Cadet Smith upon the Board of Visitors at West Point has attracted the attention of the officers of the War Department.

They say that the Secretary of War was extremely liberal in his interpretation of the regulations on behalf of Cadet Smith, and that he did for him what had never been done for a white boy in like circumstances. The officers also say that Smith was manifestly incompetent, that he had a fair examination, and that the Congressional Board of Visitors unanimously testified to his incompetency.'

"Now, sir, I am at a loss to know what are 'the recent attacks of the colored ex-Cadet Smith upon the Board of Visitors,' for I am not aware that I have said any thing, either directly or indirectly, concerning the Board of Visitors. My remarks thus far have been confined to the Academic Board and Secretary of War.

"As the members of the Board of Visitors were simply spectators, and as they were not present when I was examined, I had no reason to make any 'attack' upon them, and, therefore, as I said before, confined my remarks (or 'attacks,' if that word is more acceptable to the Chronicle) to those who acted so unjustly toward me.

"As to the extreme liberality of the Secretary of War, in his interpretation of the regulations on behalf of Cadet Smith, and that he did for him what he had never 'done for a white boy in like circumstances,' I hardly know what to say; for such absurd cant seems intended to excite the laughter of all who know the circumstances of the case. What devoted servants those officers of the War Department must be, that they can see in their chief so much liberality!

"But in what respect was the Secretary of War so 'liberal in his interpretation of the regulations?'

"Was it in dismissing me, and turning back to a lower class two white cadets who had been unable to complete successfully the first year of the course with everything in their favor, while I had completed three years of the same course in spite of all the opposition which the whole corps of cadets, backed by the 'powers that be,' could throw in my way? Or was it his decision that 'I can give Mr. Smith a re-examination, but I won't?' The Chronicle is perfectly correct in saying 'that he did for him what had never been done for a white boy in like circumstances,'

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    (上半部分已完结,后半部分《翊先生的喵小姐》正在更新中……快到坑里来) 从一粟公司小特助,到总统阁下的特助小姐。安苏晗只执着的干了一件事:驯服那个叫慕景沛的男人。而呼风唤雨的慕总裁,再次遇上五年前被自己拎出来的姑娘,他是这么操作的:不动声色的把人弄到身边不说,还软硬兼施的娶了她。以为她是颗糊涂蛋,可以放盘里随便切的那种。谁知切着切着,发现不对了……把他当猫撸,已经不是扮猪吃老虎这么简单的事了。以为自己是棵小草的安苏晗,不仅想长到慕景沛头上去,还在天才小包子的鼓励下,开启了璀璨的“攀爬”人生。俊美高贵如神祗降临的男人终于成了只听从她指令的二哈!人生巅峰,不过如此。(1V1,双洁,独宠。剧情有甜宠,有轻虐,更有所谓的狗血,但作者保证让你看得轻松又惬意,放心入坑,入坑……)
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