

The day went on.When His Majesty was awake, the princess read to him - one storybook after another; and whatever she read, the king listened as if he had never heard anything so good before, ****** out in it the wisest meanings.Every now and then he asked for a piece of bread and a little wine, and every time he ate and drank he slept, and every time he woke he seemed better than the last time.The princess bearing her part, the loaf was eaten up and the flagon emptied before night.The butler took the flagon away, and brought it back filled to the brim, but both were thirsty and hungry when Curdie came again.

Meantime he and Lina, watching and waking alternately, had plenty of sleep.In the afternoon, peeping from the recess, they saw several of the servants enter hurriedly, one after the other, draw wine, drink it, and steal out; but their business was to take care of the king, not of his cellar, and they let them drink.Also, when the butler came to fill the flagon, they restrained themselves, for the villain's fate was not yet ready for him.He looked terribly frightened, and had brought with him a large candle and a small terrier - which latter indeed threatened to be troublesome, for he went roving and sniffing about until he came to the recess where they were.But as soon as he showed himself, Lina opened her jaws so wide, and glared at him so horribly, that, without even uttering a whimper, he tucked his tail between his legs and ran to his master.He was drawing the wicked wine at the moment, and did not see him, else he would doubtless have run too.

When suppertime approached, Curdie took his place at the door into the servants' hall; but after a long hour's vain watch, he began to fear he should get nothing: there was so much idling about, as well as coming and going.it was hard to bear - chiefly from the attractions of a splendid loaf, just fresh out of the oven, which he longed to secure for the king and princess.At length his chance did arrive: he pounced upon the loaf and carried it away, and soon after got hold of a pie.

This time, however, both loaf and pie were missed.The cook was called.He declared he had provided both.One of themselves, he said, must have carried them away for some friend outside the palace.Then a housemaid, who had not long been one of them, said she had seen someone like a page running in the direction of the cellar with something in his hands.Instantly all turned upon the pages, accusing them, one after another.All denied, but nobody believed one of them: Where there is no truth there can be no faith.

To the cellar they all set out to look for the missing pie and loaf.Lina heard them coming, as well she might, for they were talking and quarrelling loud, and gave her master warning.They snatched up everything, and got all signs of their presence out at the back door before the servants entered.When they found nothing, they all turned on the chambermaid, and accused her, not only of lying against the pages, but of having taken the things herself.Their language and behaviour so disgusted Curdie, who could hear a great part of what passed, and he saw the danger of discovery now so much increased, that he began to devise how best at once to rid the palace of the whole pack of them.That, however, would be small gain so long as the treacherous officers of state continued in it.They must be first dealt with.A thought came to him, and the longer he looked at it the better he liked it.

As soon as the servants were gone, quarrelling and accusing all the way, they returned and finished their supper.Then Curdie, who had long been satisfied that Lina understood almost every word he said, communicated his plan to her, and knew by the wagging of her tail and the flashing of her eyes that she comprehended it.Until they had the king safe through the worst part of the night, however, nothing could be done.

They had now merely to go on waiting where they were till the household should be asleep.This waiting and waiting was much the hardest thing Curdie had to do in the whole affair.He took his mattock and, going again into the long passage, lighted a candle end and proceeded to examine the rock on all sides.But this was not merely to pass the time: he had a reason for it.When he broke the stone in the street, over which the baker fell, its appearance led him to pocket a fragment for further examination; and since then he had satisfied himself that it was the kind of stone in which gold is found, and that the yellow particles in it were pure metal.If such stone existed here in any plenty, he could soon make the king rich and independent of his ill-conditioned subjects.

He was therefore now bent on an examination of the rock; nor had he been at it long before he was persuaded that there were large quantities of gold in the half-crystalline white stone, with its veins of opaque white and of green, of which the rock, so far as he had been able to inspect it, seemed almost entirely to consist.

Every piece he broke was spotted with particles and little lumps of a lovely greenish yellow - and that was gold.Hitherto he had worked only in silver, but he had read, and heard talk, and knew, therefore, about gold.As soon as he had got the king free of rogues and villains, he would have all the best and most honest miners, with his father at the head of them, to work this rock for the king.

It was a great delight to him to use his mattock once more.The time went quickly, and when he left the passage to go to the king's chamber, he had already a good heap of fragments behind the broken door.

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  • 送徐大夫赴南海


  • 福王登极实录


  • 寂上人院联句


  • 月令


  • 上古世纪之东方故事


  • 特战兵王闯都市


  • 风月自难寻


  • 自由和弦


  • 洪荒之诸天之皇


  • 天行


  • 水浒传(经典译林)


    《水浒传》是我国文学史上第一部描写农民起义的长篇小说,古典 “四大名著”之一,被清代著名文学评论大师金圣叹誉为“第五才子书”。它继承发展了中国古代小说与讲史话本的传统特色,是我国第一部由讲史蜕化出来的英雄传奇。《水浒传》犹如一幅长长的历史画卷,我们从中看到的不仅是可歌可泣的农民起义本身,还有政治文化、市井风情和社会景观。它是那个时代的全记录。全书情节曲折感人,形象逼真生动,一百零八将各具神韵,语言通俗雅驯,百读不厌。《水浒传》具体而生动地描写了北宋时期一群平民及中下级乡绅、官僚、军官因为不堪忍受官府、朝廷的剥削与压迫奋起反抗,上梁山聚义的故事。它揭露了封建社会的黑暗、腐朽和统治阶级的种种罪恶,热情歌颂了起义英雄的反抗精神和正义行动,塑造了一大批梁山好汉的光辉形象,形象地揭示了封建社会“官逼民反”的客观真理和农民起义失败的内在原因。
  • 喋血毒妃


  • 护花校草


  • 长生从修道开始

