
第10章 CHAPTER V.(2)

May 23. - Received strange note from Gowing; he said: "Offended? not a bit, my boy - I thought you were offended with me for losing my temper. Besides, I found after all, it was not my poor old uncle's stick you painted. It was only a shilling thing I bought at a tobacconist's. However, I am much obliged to you for your handsome present all same."

May 24. - Carrie back. Hoorah! She looks wonderfully well, except that the sun has caught her nose.

May 25. - Carrie brought down some of my shirts and advised me to take them to Trillip's round the corner. She said: "The fronts and cuffs are much frayed." I said without a moment's hesitation:

"I'm 'FRAYED they are." Lor! how we roared. I thought we should never stop laughing. As I happened to be sitting next the driver going to town on the 'bus, I told him my joke about the "frayed" shirts. I thought he would have rolled off his seat. They laughed at the office a good bit too over it.

May 26. - Left the shirts to be repaired at Trillip's. I said to him: "I'm 'FRAID they are FRAYED." He said, without a smile:

"They're bound to do that, sir." Some people seem to be quite destitute of a sense of humour.

June 1. - The last week has been like old times, Carrie being back, and Gowing and Cummings calling every evening nearly. Twice we sat out in the garden quite late. This evening we were like a pack of children, and played "consequences." It is a good game.

June 2. - "Consequences" again this evening. Not quite so successful as last night; Gowing having several times overstepped the limits of good taste.

June 4. - In the evening Carrie and I went round to Mr. and Mrs.

Cummings' to spend a quiet evening with them. Gowing was there, also Mr. Stillbrook. It was quiet but pleasant. Mrs. Cummings sang five or six songs, "No, Sir," and "The Garden of Sleep," being best in my humble judgment; but what pleased me most was the duet she sang with Carrie - classical duet, too. I think it is called, "I would that my love!" It was beautiful. If Carrie had been in better voice, I don't think professionals could have sung it better. After supper we made them sing it again. I never liked Mr. Stillbrook since the walk that Sunday to the "Cow and Hedge," but I must say he sings comic-songs well. His song: "We don't Want the old men now," made us shriek with laughter, especially the verse referring to Mr. Gladstone; but there was one verse I think he might have omitted, and I said so, but Gowing thought it was the best of the lot.

June 6. - Trillip brought round the shirts and, to my disgust, his charge for repairing was more than I gave for them when new. I told him so, and he impertinently replied: "Well, they are better now than when they were new." I paid him, and said it was a robbery. He said: "If you wanted your shirt-fronts made out of pauper-linen, such as is used for packing and bookbinding, why didn't you say so?"

June 7. - A dreadful annoyance. Met Mr. Franching, who lives at Peckham, and who is a great swell in his way. I ventured to ask him to come home to meat-tea, and take pot-luck. I did not think he would accept such a humble invitation; but he did, saying, in a most friendly way, he would rather "peck" with us than by himself.

I said: "We had better get into this blue 'bus." He replied: "No blue-bussing for me. I have had enough of the blues lately. I lost a cool 'thou' over the Copper Scare. Step in here."

We drove up home in style, in a hansom-cab, and I knocked three times at the front door without getting an answer. I saw Carrie, through the panels of ground-glass (with stars), rushing upstairs.

I told Mr. Franching to wait at the door while I went round to the side. There I saw the grocer's boy actually picking off the paint on the door, which had formed into blisters. No time to reprove him; so went round and effected an entrance through the kitchen window. I let in Mr. Franching, and showed him into the drawing- room. I went upstairs to Carrie, who was changing her dress, and told her I had persuaded Mr. Franching to come home. She replied:

"How can you do such a thing? You know it's Sarah's holiday, and there's not a thing in the house, the cold mutton having turned with the hot weather."

  • 灵探事务所


  • 天行


  • 只此一剑


    一人一生一剑,本是孤身的剑客立下的誓言。当看到那铁蹄下麻木的少年,手中的剑不由自主地斩去,不再一人。当华发苍然,时光荏苒,握剑的手变得老皱无力,另一只年轻的手扶住了剑柄,不止一生。只此一剑。 以上是比较朦胧模糊(中二)的简介。 以下是通俗点的。 流浪在外的无名山庄剑客肖一剑,偶然救了个孩子,居然莫名奇妙收为了徒弟。 本想安安静静继续潇潇洒洒的生活的肖一剑却被卷入了当权者的谋划之中。 生活中的各种问题,战火纷飞下的阴谋诡计,儿女情长武林纷争...... 这一切肖一剑都经历着面对着,渐渐地承受着成熟着,最后———— ———— 一剑相向。
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  • 那些年,我们的情话


  • 天行


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