

It was early when we gathered in War Eagle's lodge,the children and I,but the story-telling began at once.

"Now I shall tell you a story that will show you how little OLD-man cared for the welfare of others,"said War Eagle.

"It happened in the fall,this thing I shall tell you,and the day was warm and bright.

OLD-man and his brother the Red Fox were trav-elling together for company.They were on a hillside when OLD-Man said:'I am hungry.

Can you not kill a Rabbit or something for us to eat?The way is long,and I am getting old,you know.You are swift of foot and cunning,and there are Rabbits among these rocks.'

"'Ever since morning came I have watched for food,but the moon must be wrong or some-thing,for I see nothing that is good to eat,'replied the Fox.'Besides that,my medicine is bad and my heart is weak.You are great,and I have heard you can do most anything.Many snows have known your footprints,and the snows make us all wise.I think you are the one to help,not I.'

"'Listen,brother,'said OLD-man,'I have neither bow nor lance--nothing to use in hunt-ing.Your weapons are ever with you--your great nose and your sharp teeth.Just as we came up this hill I saw two great Buffalo-Bulls.

You were not looking,but I saw them,and if you will do as I want you to we shall have plenty of meat.This is my scheme;I shall pull out all of your hair,leaving your body white and smooth,like that of the fish.I shall leave only the white hair that grows on the tip of your tail,and that will make you funny to look at.Then you are to go before the Bulls and commence to dance and act foolish.Of course the Bulls will laugh at you,and as soon as they get to laughing you must act sillier than ever.That will make them laugh so hard that they will fall down and laugh on the ground.When they fall,I shall come upon them with my knife and kill them.Will you do as I suggest,brother,or will you starve?'

"'What!Pull out my hair?I shall freeze with no hair on my body,OLD-man.No--Iwill not suffer you to pull my hair out when the winter is so near,'cried the Fox.

"'Ho!It is vanity,my brother,not fear of freezing.If you will do this we shall have meat for the winter,and a fire to keep us warm.

See,the wind is in the south and warm.There is no danger of freezing.Come,let me do it,'

replied OLD-man.

"'Well--if you are sure that I won't freeze,all right,'said the Fox,'but I'll bet I'll be sorry.'

"So Old-man pulled out all of the Fox's hair,leaving only the white tip that grew near the end of his tail.Poor little Red Fox shivered in the warm breeze that OLD-man told about,and kept telling OLD-man that the hair-pulling hurt badly.Finally OLD-man finished the job and laughed at the Fox,saying:'Why,you make me laugh,too.Now go and dance before the Bulls,and I shall watch and be ready for my part of the scheme.'

"Around the hill went the poor Red Fox and found the Bulls.Then he began to dance be-fore them as OLD-man had told him.The Bulls took one look at the hairless Fox and began to laugh.My!How they did laugh,and then the Red Fox stood upon his hind legs and danced some more;acted sillier,as OLD-man had told him.Louder and louder laughed the Bulls,until they fell to the ground with their breath short from the laughing.The Red Fox kept at his antics lest the Bulls get up before OLD-man reached them;but soon he saw him coming,with a knife in his hand.

"Running up to the Bulls,OLD-man plunged his knife into their hearts,and they died.

Into the ground ran their blood,and then OLD-man laughed and said:'Ho,I am the smart one.I am the real hunter.I depend on my head for meat--ha!--ha!-ha!'

"Then OLD-man began to dress and skin the Bulls,and he worked hard and long.In fact it was nearly night when he got the work all done.

"Poor little Red Fox had stood there all the time,and OLD-man never noticed that the wind had changed and was coming from the north.

Yes,poor Red Fox stood there and spoke no word;said nothing at all,even when OLD-man had finished.

"'Hi,there,you!what's the matter with you?Are you sorry that we have meat?Say,answer me!'

"But the Red Fox was frozen stiff--was dead.Yes,the north wind had killed him while OLD-man worked at the skinning.The Fox had been caught by the north wind naked,and was dead.OLD-man built a fire and warmed his hands;that was all he cared for the Red Fox,and that is all he cared for anybody.He might have known that no person could stand the north wind without a robe;but as long as he was warm himself--that was all he wanted.

"That is all of that story.To-morrow night I shall tell you why the birch-tree wears those slashes in its bark.That was some of OLD-man's work,too.Ho!"

  • 天行


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