
第6章 (2)

This act made Yang Guozhong very anxious. It dawned on him that if Yang Yuhuan were no longer favored by the Emperor, he too would lose his favor. W hat would happen to him then? Desperate for advice, he turned to Gao Lishi.

Yuhuan regretted her actions soon after she had left the Emperor. She truly loved him, and wanted him for herself alone. She had assumed that her beauty and his vows guaranteed a life.long romance together. She definitely hadn’t expected to make him so angry as to get rid of her.

She pulled the hairpin and powder box from her robes and cried “Good Heavens! Will the moon in the palace shine on me no more and the flying flowers outside the garden never have a chance to land on the twigs?” She cried until her eyes were red and her dress damp with tears. Her two maids tried their best to comfort her and finally she collected herself some. She stopped crying and asked them, “Where can I see the palace?”

“The library. If you look to northwest from there, you can see it,” one replied.

“Please lead the way!”

The maids accompanied her to the library and pointed to her in the right direction.

“Your Highness, look that way. The glazed tiles—isn’t that the palace?”

Yang Yuhuan watched as a pair of doves flew together over the rooftops of the Palace of Eternal Youth. She could not hold back tears any longer. Through the blur of her tears, she caught sight of Gao Lishi riding his horse up to the library. She ran down to him immediately. Gao Lishi dismounted and knelt down before her.

“Your Highness, the Emperor misses you. He sits immobile all day long and sighs.”

“How is it possible that His Majesty would even care to think about me?” Yang Yuhuan shook her head in disbelief.

“Please don’t be so stubborn,” Gao Lishi responded. “If you have anything you want me to bring back to His Majesty as talisman of your affection, please give it to me now. I’ll try my best to deliver it. Maybe the Emperor could be convinced to change his mind.”

Yuhuan thought for a while then instructed her maids to fetch the bronze mirror and a pair of scissors. She undid her hair and cut off a lock of it.

“Give this to my lord. Tell him that it means I’m thinking of him all day long.” She looked down at the lock she had cut. “Hair, my hair, I’m counting on you to convey my affections for His


Gao Lishi took the lock of hair and left.

“Where is Her Highness?” The maids entered the room, announcing the arrival of Yuhaun’s two sisters, Lady Han and Lady Guo. At the sight of her sisters Yang Yuhuan covered her face and began to cry.

“Your Highness, you should take good care of your health,” Lady Han hugged her. “Don’t be so sad.” Though she meant to ease her sister’s sorrow, she could not help but burst into tears too. “The other day at the Spring-gazing Palace the Emperor was happy,” Lady Guo exclaimed. “What happened? I had thought you have his favor forever. Who could’ve known this would happen?” “Stop your nonsensical mumblings, will you?” Lady Han was infuriated by her sister’s words. She turned to Yang Yuhuan, “What happened? My Lady, forgive my frankness, but why did you fight with him so?” Lady Han paused, “Please, tell your sister.”

“Say no more.” She replied coldly, “It was all my faults. Sisters, save your concern,” she said turning away and returning to her bedroom.

“Did you see how she behaved herself ?” Lady Guo said angrily.

“Well,” Lady Han sighed. “You’re right. We came to help and she just turned away from us,” She paused and smiled. “If you get a chance to return to the Palace, do not act as she did.”

Lady Guo blushed at her sister’s words.

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