
第9章 乔治亚州(3)

Perdue campaigned for Governor on a platform of restoring public trust in state government and empowering all Georgians by eliminating undue interference by government bureaucracies(官僚,官僚作风,官僚机构).He has dedicated his administration to attracting new businesses and jobs to Georgia,improving the quality of programs that touch the lives of children,and fighting for a comprehensive ethics reform package.

For all of his success in business and public service,he is proudest to hold the offices of devoted husband,loving father,and proud grandfather.

Sonny is married to the former Mary Ruff of Atlanta,Georgia.The couple has four children:Leigh,a speech therapist(临床医学家);Lara,a software consultant in Atlanta;Jim,a minister who is currently starting a church in Forsyth County;and Dan,an undergraduate student at Kennesaw State University.They also have twin granddaughters,Mary Kate and Sunni,and two grandsons,Jack and Jake.Mary and Sonny have also served as foster parents for newborns awaiting adoption.

State Bird州鸟

棕色打谷鸟在1935年4月6日首次被本州州长正式宣布为州鸟。1970年在Garden Clubs请求下被立法机关指定为州鸟。打谷鸟是美洲的一种与嘲鸫关系密切的弓嘴鸟,属会唱歌的鸟,有长的尾巴及弯曲的长嘴且头和背通常呈棕色。

On April 6,1935,the Brown Thrasher was first chosen as the Georgia state bird by official proclamation(宣布)of the Governor.In 1970,at the request of the Garden Clubs of Georgia,it was designated by the Legislature as the official state bird.The Brown Thrasher is commonly found in the eastern section of the United States,ranging north to Canada and west to the Rockies(洛矶山脉).The bird migrates to the North in the summer and spends its winters in the Southern states.

Almost a foot in length,the Thrasher has a long,curved bill and a very long tail.It has two prominent white wing bars,a rich brown color on its top side,and a creamy white breast heavily streaked(加上条纹)with brown.

Here is the identification:

1.10inches length

2.Slender bill with base of lower mandible(下颚,下颚骨)yellow

3.Rufous(红褐色的)crown,nape and upperparts

4.Gray face

5.Yellow eye

6.White underparts((飞机机身的)腹部)with heavy black streaking

7.White wing bars

8.Long rufous(红褐色的)tail

9.Yellow legs

10.Sexes similar

11.Most often found in dense vegetation in hedgerows(灌木篱墙),old fields,and wood edges where it often forages on the ground

With its rufous upperparts and long tail the Brown Thrasher might be confused with the local Long-billed Thrasher(South Texas)but it has a shorter,less decurved(向下弯曲的(指鸟喙等)的)bill and a browner face.Thrushes are similar but are spotted below and have shorter tails.

State Flower州花


In 1916,with the support of the Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs,the Cherokee rose was named the state floral emblem.The name “Cherokee Rose”is a local designation derived from the Cherokee Indians who widely distributed the plant.

When the Trail of Tears started in 1838,the mothers of the Cherokee were grieving((使)悲痛,(使)伤心,忧伤)and crying so much,they were unable to help their children survive the journey.The elders prayed for a sign that would lift the mother’s spirits to give them strength.The next day a beautiful rose began to grow where each of the mother’s tears fell.The rose is white for their tears;a gold center represents the gold taken from Cherokee lands,and seven leaves on each stem for the seven Cherokee clans(部落,氏族).The wild Cherokee Rose grows along the route of the Trail of Tears into eastern Oklahoma today.

Native to China,this rose has naturalized across much of the southeastern United States.This climbing evergreen rose produces long,thorny,vine-like canes that sprawl(蔓生,蔓延)across adjacent(邻近的,接近的)shrubs and other supports.The pure white single flowers appear in spring and are densely arranged along the length of the canes(细长的茎,藤条).The plant can reach 10′to 12′in height and 15′or more wide.


Exposure:Sun to partial shade;range of soil types

Height:10′to 12′in height and 15′or more wide

Flower/Fruit:3to 4″white fragrant flowers in spring

Fragrance:Strong or slight,opinions vary

State Flag州旗

2001年1月31日Roy Barnes州长签署一项议案改变州旗的设计。在长达15年之久,州旗的反对者通过法律手段禁止使用1956年州旗。由于此争论,乔治亚州许多城市和私企都拒绝使用此州旗而选择1956年以前的州旗。现在使用的州旗对原旗做修改,即加上了“In God We Trust”。

On January 31,2001Governor Roy Barnes signed into law a bill to change the design of the state flag.For more than 15years,opponents of the flag rallied and introduced legislation aimed at removing the confederate emblem featured prominently on the 1956state flag.Because of the controversy,many Georgia cities and private businesses throughout the state refused to fly the official Georgia flag,opting(选择)instead to display the pre-1956version.

In early 2000,Atlanta architect Cecil Alexander brought forth a “compromise”flag design consisting of the state seal,fittingly(适切地,适合地)depicted in “Dahlonega Gold”,surrounded by 13white stars.Below is a gold ribbon(缎带,丝带,带)containing small images of the three state flags that have flown over Georgia,as well as the current and past versions of the United States flag.Above the small rows of flags is the phrase “Georgia’s History”.

On January 24,2001,the Georgia House approved H.B.16,adopting Alexander’s flag design as the new state flag with an amendment to add “In God We Trust”beneath the ribbon(缎带,丝带)of flags.H.B.16was then transmitted(传送)to the Senate,where it was passed without amendment on January 30,2001.

State Song州歌

Georgia on My Mind

Georgia,Georgia,the whole day through

Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.

Georgia,Georgia,a song of you

Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines.

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile tenderly(温和地,体贴地)

Still in peaceful dreams I see

The road leads back to you.

Georgia,Georgia,no peace I find

Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.

Melodies([法][音]小旋律歌曲)bring memories

That linger in my heart

Make me think of Georgia

Why did we ever part?

Some sweet day when blossoms fall

And all the world’s a song

I’ll go back to Georgia

’Cause that’s where I belong.

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