
第7章 chapter 3

Put Your Whole Heart into Your Selling

You are never given a wish

without also being given the

power to make it come true.


Top salespeople believe in their companies. They believe in their products and services, and they believe in their customers. Above all, they believe in themselves and their ability to succeed.

Your level of belief in the value of a product or service is directly related to your ability to convince other people that it is good for them. Selling has often been called a transfer of enthusiasm. The more enthusiastic and convinced you are about what you are selling, the more contagious this enthusiasm will be and the more your customers will sense it and act on it.

Human beings are primarily emotional in everything they do and say. This is why caring is a critical element in successful selling. You’ve heard it said that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. What we also know is that the more you love your work, the more caring you will be. The more committed you are to your company and to your products and services, the more you will naturally and honestly care about your customers. The more you honestly care about your company and your customers, the more concerned you will be about helping customers to make a good buying decision.

Since you become what you think about most of the time, you should repeat the words “I love my work! I love my work! I love my work!” over and over. The more you say these words to yourself, the more you will like yourself as a salesperson and enjoy your selling activities. The more you enjoy your work, the better you will do it and the more committed you will be to your customers. Selling will become easier and easier and more rewarding in every way.

My favorite affirmation, which I still use continually, is “I like myself and I love my work!” I use these words to get me up and going in the morning and keep me going throughout the day. The more I repeat them, the better and more confident I feel about myself and everything I am doing. Try them yourself and see.

All top salespeople like themselves and love their work. And their customers can feel it. As a result, their customers want to buy from them, buy from them again, and recommend them to their friends.


If you want to feel enthusiastic, act enthusiastic! Imagine that your products and services were the very best quality and the very best priced in the entire world. How would you behave in every customer interaction, all day long?

Put your whole heart into your sales work. Imagine that you were being videotaped and that this video was going to be shown nationwide as a shining example of an outstanding salesperson in action. How would you treat every customer or prospect? Whatever your answer, practice that behavior every hour of every day.

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