
第3章 Thousand-year Hoofprints

Mountains-and-Rivers Code

In the high mountains, spirits live

On short slopes, ghosts hide

In long rivers, dragons swim

In little streams, snakes crawl

On sheer cliffs, skulls of old suns


In scree rocks, insects sleep

Through winter

Leopards hurtle over snowfields

Tigers lay entrenched in forests

How is it that Tibetans

Fix their souls?

What do Naxi people give

In return for love?

With what do Bai people

Purify bones?

When do clouds

Form battle ranks

When do the seasons

Turn away

These are secrets of the high plateau

Kept in safes among mountains and rivers

Once the code's set, the dark night

Sends forth stars to cover up the sky

They step up, taking turns to try

Cracking the code,

But none succeed

And retreat defeated beyond sunrise

All that torturous searching, but no one realised;

The code is horse-teams that move over the land

When they're keyed into mountains and rivers,

The secrets of the high plateau

Are no longer secret

Thousand-year Hoofprints

An eye on history, a flagstone, that never submitted to thunder

Yet was prized open by the tenderness of a horse's hoof

The days, some fat, some thin; sweet and salty stories

All stored in a flagstone

After this, the ancient trail threading through mountains

No longer is pale and empty.

The plateau's ear, how many honeyed words has it heard

From the wind's tongue? Even the wind doesn't know

How many harsh words roared? The flagstone never cared,

Never showed weakness

But it couldn't hold up against tenacious horse-hoofs.

The horse-teams' long songs and short sighs

Drove away that ancient trail's thousand-year loneliness, silence.

No dynasty, no matter how magnificent

Can escape that eye's sweep, that ear's hearing

Undergrowth is just a fa?ade

Brush it aside, lightly, and you'll see

Inside, the sun is pregnant with light

The moon is tuning its zither strings,

No end-note

The Strange Tale of a Horse-Driver

History sinks deep, trod underfoot,

It stretches long

Tiger cries flow through blood-ways

A figure, strong and stooped like an eagle,

Splits open dangerous peaks

Splits open flood-waters

Lifts the horse-team from the river valley

Up to cloud layers

Which startles the sun spirit so

It sweats, cold

Towering trees cheer, clap

You can stick a high mountain through a needle's eye,

You can truss up a savage beast

With just a white hair

Bury a poison weed's wicked thoughts

Where Wisdom's eyes touch

Pour a bandit's crimes

Into the barrel of a gun

Yell once

And unload on the horizon

Black clouds broke into fragments

Under a horse's hoof

They went to war with arms bared

And crushed the dark night outside dawn's walled city

Never again

What they saw of the world

Is more than stars in the sky

Footprints thread themselves together

There's enough to wrap round the Earth

All the way round

Face-to-face with an ant

It shrinks, turns into a smaller ant

Face-to-face with a snow-peak

It grows, turns into a bigger snow-peak

When it spreads its palms

You know how many colours spring has

How many flavours to be tasted in summer

How many sounds to hear in autumn

How many ways winter postures

In the place where seasons switch places

They have rivers for zither strings there

And pluck the mountains green

Pluck the sky blue,

Pluck girls' hearts red

Thinking always of each other, no longer can we escape

Each other's dreams

Sometimes, the moon is round, sometimes less, but always

Of a likeness with hoof-prints, sometimes shallow in the earth,

Sometimes deep

Hoof-prints cement over love from

Another time, fate that's hard to get unstuck

Tea-leaf Nirvana

Growing in the bone piles

Of the Farmer God,

Distending through Lu Yu's Classic of Tea,

Releasing a thousand years of toxic knots

Righteousness, Benevolence! Returned from their graves!

Their every blood-vessel coursing into a new, powerful nation!

On one side is sky,

Another side, earth

Between the two, ten thousand life-forms walking

An ancient tea tree's deep-seated longings

Fold, at first touch of a girl's soft hands,

Capitulate sweetly

To a tea-mountain maiden

Yield essence, by way of sun, and moon

Press it, into her hands,

To keep it, for her, in her two spring pools

All fire can take is a thing's colour

The fragrance remains, lodged in the soul

He of the swollen ego, alone, meets ruin in battle

Rub the leaves smooth, dry them on racks,

Press them flat, pack them in sacks

Such torture

Pain is the ego, trying to buy itself back

In the world of love

We have Life

Why? To uplift our deaths

In the same way, we have death

Why? To uplift our lives

When life grows wings,

Mountains won't stop it

Water won't block it

Wherever its song drifts

That's where song makes its return

Setting out from where time stops

Warmth of a horse's back

Contending with wind, contending with rain

Talking with blue sky, beside forests

All of dark night's plots undone in a bonfire,

Language differs,

From one people

To the next,

But it's the same spring that dawns

On all our smiling faces.

The steep mountain, head-spinning road

Below, all the hopes of humankind,

Above, summons to palaces in heaven

From stove to cold storage,

From valley trough to mountain peak,

What withers and dies? Fear, second guesses

What flourishes? Yang, bedded under softness

So many stories sprout from the earth

In horse hoof-prints

Stories bloom on fingertips

Of the high plateau

In their thousands

Alpine wild-flowers cut figures

As thin as a smile out of context

Bear witness to an era rich as a voice

In song

Shiver, sway, tumble down

They're all tests, thought up by gods

Fate needs us, our support,

We hold it upright

We have answers in our palms

Shift the mountains

From over our heads to under our feet

Watch dawn break free from its shell

Fury roaring in high flood

Snow mountains mutter curses

Wild beast savagery

Grinding iron bones hard and white

All boundaries broken now

All the world's hate and misunderstandings

Struck from the books

Tossed in a clean kettle along with the butter,

Mix, and make strange karma, a queer connection,

Two fragrances seep all the way through themselves

Two hearts, no more distance, pillowed between lips

Old man hunger and old man thirst, grow old in the distance

Myriad Buddhas with flowers between fingers,


Horses Calling

Horse found the purest, most holy white cloud

In all the snowfields

He's chewing on it now

Sound of hooves, too

Just a matter-of-fact natural process

Wind knotting his mane with whispers


Masochistic sun chasing its tail

Futile, never catching it

See, the horse-whip's overkill now

Once eternity's whipped good and swollen with welts,

That's when the hand that wields the whip

Enters its twilight years

The direction a river runs

Takes up duty of guarding all life

To travel from way-up-there high altitude down to the low --

That's another kind of climbing

Horse burdened with decrees of gods, intentions all spelled-out

And the sincerely-worded wishes of snow mountains

Packed in saddlebags and put on his back

When he drinks, he drinks folksongs of the Yarlung-Tsangpo River

Drinks its unaccompanied rhymes,

Takes them into his big belly,

Space enough to eat the sky

And hold it down there.

That old road the horse walks

Is scattered with heroes' blood

And beautiful people's tears

Bird cries map the forest's silence,

So we know how long it stretches

Tiger snarls sound out mountain peaks

So we know how high their pride rises

Then horses whinny, and we know

Of joy and sorrow through history,

Its height and length

Who has the power to command

The crowding mountains here?

Only a being who, taking out needles

Can stitch steep-sided canyons shut

Who then, has power to speak

With a sky full of stars

And re-arrange their spread?

Only a being who can roll back the black clouds

Only a horse that's gone up and down snow mountains

Can make it so

On battlefields

Light on a knife-blade can cut hatred in half

Bitter memories can slide down a sword's shadow

And get left in the sand

Run, horse, fly on your four hooves,

Make loyalty ring clear under your horse hooves

Really gallop,

Pound through the space between

Invasion and insurrection,

Pillage and guard-duty

The loud cry and the grief-struck wail

There's no way to label right or wrong

When it's out in front of you, in your eyes

'Home' and 'Nation'

Two words no-one can pull apart

White bone flute music

Makes the moon round

Blows light

Through mountains and rivers

Spring radiance settling everywhere

Emperors and common folk, all alike

Buried in pages of history books, gone yellow

There's nothing

Sharper than the sharp edge of time

No obstacle possible

To its blade's sweep

As it cleaves generations of built-up

Gratitude and rancour clean

From our backbone

And then cleaves again

Swiping power from hands that hold it out flat

And again

Cutting down shame and that conviction of injustice

From the walls where people hung them in their hearts

Dusk comes in silence under our watching eyes,

Stretches its long neck and swallows

The final dew-globuled blade of green grass

Then throws back its head and hollers to the sky

Startling a murder of crows

And flees this three-fold realm

Witness to a Snow Mountain

Kawagebo Peak, high above

Clumps of chimney smoke in the dust-world below

High up where horses dare not announce themselves

loud hooves ringing out

But make themselves small on a path

That they inch along, quiet and slow

The Snow Mountain Spirit makes food of its beauty

For the feeding of all living things

Death is here, for those who think much of themselves

And new life, for the humble,

Pitch-black hell-realms built out of footprints

In dirt,

Reverence and fear to fill your guts,

Snow lotus pokes out of fissures in bones

And explodes, their ravishing blossoms

In the eyes of the wicked,

A snow mountain appears

As a sword sharp enough

To make mud of steel.

In the eyes of the pure,

A snow mountain appears

As immaculate white jade

Seeing clear through itself

Horse-teams carry Spring from the river valley

Up, into the belly of the high plateau

And they carry the entire laughter of a people

Into the deep-grief eyes of another place's people

By decree of the snow mountain,

Black night and mad wind yield,

To the side of the road

A horse-driver looks up, gazes there

A tear falls clean from his eye

And undoes the hard scab

Of old enmities

Snow-light tumbles into ears

And sprouts there, making nature's own sounds

Snow-light tumbles, into eyes

And sprouts seven-colour rainbows

Snow-light tumbles, into noses

And sprouts a hundred sweet smells

Snow-light tumbles into mountain creeks

And makes hard rocks soft, turns them to fishes,

Snow-light tumbles into baskets

On horses' backs

And wraps runaway souls in a kerchief

Blue like the sky

To an Old Relay Post

In the musculoskeletal high plateau

You are a joint,

A node in time

Mountains whirl around you,

Waters whirl around you,

Horse-caravans, whirl around you,

Wind whirls around you,

Mist whirls around you,

Fate whirls around you

Still now, some hoof-prints

Left behind

Some deep, some shallow

Depressions where Spring sighs sank,

And stayed

And Winter laments

And murmurs in the sleep of horse-men

At the relay post,

Horse-caravans carried fresh colours away

With the morning light

And brought back aching muscles and

Descent of dusk

They travelled many roads,

Some forked, others straight

And gathered many strange voices,

Many strange stories

By the fire-side, under the moon

Shifting their shoulders

The horse-men unload heavy burdens

From their hearts,

Raise glasses and drink down

The same old yearnings for home

The relay post's still there,

But the horse-caravans went off in the distance

And never came back

The old building got refurbished

And now they want to sell

The old feeling of the place

Pock-marked as it is

And etched all over with wrinkles

Horse cries sound in the skies of history

Waking old nightmares in the gaps

Between flagstones

Bugs hiding someplace beyond the dark night

Stop singing

And start feeding on dim spirits

That filled the lonely street

Nature's Children

Wind blows wrinkles into the high plateau's forehead

But wind can't wrinkle their deep-held convictions

And the light in their eyes,

Bright like clear spring water

Suppose the tea-horse's trail's a string

As in, a string-instrument

Then, horses and mules are notes in its music

Hands down, Between all earth and heaven

They're the most distinguished musical masters

For them, mountain flowers open early

For them, creeks kick up a commotion

Spring grows dense in their footsteps

Their heads rise higher than all the great mountains

Holding a leaf in their lips,

They blow out all loneliness

All troubles of the heart and mind

Dark cloud falls in the canyon

Then rain flushes cloud out

The birds stop singing

Feeling ashamed

And turn their backs on river-flow and time

And drive the horse-caravans up into clouds

Up high where the spirits are

Then crunch bitter tears in their beaks,

Swallow, or spit out of the mortal world

Then stand around like eagles at cliff-edges

Rain falls hard, they snap raindrops' bones

Make a crossing out of lightning, a high bridge

To pass over Death's bridged-finger plots

Even if in the end they fall

Somewhere in the mountains and fields

They push down the dark night

Under the weight of falling bodies

So that those who come down the path after

May walk more freely

An Ode to the Absolute Grit of Horse-Caravans

High plateau, like a stovetop

Where lightning, rain and wind melt

And become each other

And smelt life until its colour turns

To pale green of ancient copper,

Like the dead sun's roaming soul

Unblinking horse-teams walk steady

In strong horse bodies on bones they made bright

And hard, with the touch of sharp rocks from the heights,

River waves full of wrath,

Illness, catastrophe, heart-pangs of the displaced

For hearth and home, far away

Horses that move like snakes

Finding the way through thorns and fog

Horses like eagles, cutting to the quick

Traversing cliffs and black clouds

Horses with unbelievable intuition,

Foresight of the spirits

Steering clear of the pitiless sun

And places where mortals should not tread

They coil rivers round their flanks

drive mountains under their hooves

Meeting with evil, they fight with every breath

Meeting with grace, they open their hearts

Resolute, they can bend tigers to their will

And the dark night.

Tender, their softness melts young women's hearts

Their blood is half ice, half seething flame

Unflinching horse-teams, their hooves pound

The drum-skin of their era

In their hoofprints, villages and even whole towns

Take root and grow

The noble spirit and dazzling culture of many peoples

Take root and grow

Slight refrain of whinnies – a horse,

In the ears of history, and a snatch of a horse-man's

Hummed tune as he drives the horses

Feed these sounds to the plateau

And just watch - poverty's reins release

From River Valley to the Top of a Snow Mountain

Fire on the high plateau!

Fire tumbling down the river valley

And turns into summer

On a snow mountain peak

The sky shivers, and the lines of its shivering

Converge and become winter

An ancient road ties two seasons together

Or, you could say --

Two seasons tie the ancient road together

They square up to fight,

Divided by the sky's gulf

Nobody loses

Nobody wins

Tree soldiers charge up the mountain

Numbers thinning on the high slopes

Then, it's too high, they're all laying on the ground

A huge boulder charges down the mountain

Losing mass the lower it falls

Finally, it falls in the river and sinks to the bottom

Screams and terrible howls flatten

Swathes of flowers and grasses

Fish in the river want to climb the mountain

To escape summer's heat

Mud on the mountain top wants to make it

To the river valley, to soak in warm waves

And open long-frozen pressure points

Fish and mud pity each other, envy each other

And both so helpless,

They'll never get free of destiny's open palm

Where they sit

Clinging to the same ancient road,

They weep through the night

Horse-teams pick a way through the battlefield

Walking between spirits and earthly life

They bring spring colours to winter

Cool breezes to summer

Warmth of the hearth-fire to the spirits

Buddha Sutras to the ten thousand living things

They walk between white and black,

Between good and evil,

Between life and death

The horse-teams walk away from river valleys

Towards snow mountain peaks,

From one implacable foe

To another implacable foe

As they climb higher, they dig out

Clothes they took off before

And put them back on

But it's hard to re-clothe yourself with



Acute vision to move through objects

That fate peeled from your body long ago

With a backward grab

5000 metres Above Sea-level and Counting

Tigers and leopards pause

In a low-down place,

In the world of men

Grasses and trees pause

Beyond the zone of no-life-permitted

The sunlight cools

The wind's like a razor blade

It shaves away skin's sole layer

Of bodily warmth

It shaves away the pride that grows in bones

But the rocks are different

Rocks rise in rebellion

Scale the plateau's highest places

And throw an invitation to war down

To the high, distant sky and the mad snow

Wild, unkempt, and sorrowful

Rock, colour never fading, armour for heroes

A bird is aloft at 5000 metres

Its flying wings still lower

Than a horse's hoof-print

Horse-caravans found passage through

The seasons' joys and fits of rage

Found passage through

Blacks and whites of fate

They were ready to die

Fighting precipitous cliffs and

Dark churning waters

Treading the lonely immensity of

5000 metres high, still not done walking,

Higher, still

Reaching the top, the narrow pass

Breath drawn out ragged

Then next moment cut short

cut short and draw breath out again

until they defeat altitude sickness

and the mad cackling black clouds

Other things live at 5000 metres

Not just caravans of horses, and rocks

Like, prayer-flags, dancing in the wind

They guide lost, wandering souls

Back to their empty, still-walking bodies

They drive ghosts out of haunted men's brains

They pray for people sunk in evil fortune

Wandering souls float higher than life ever goes

Faith floats higher still

Desolation too, is Beautiful

Heading north, turn west,

Turn north again, then west again

Following the hoof-print trail

Mountains are above society

The busy world below

But trees, green grasses, and red dust

Aren't done yet

And still no way to climb above the watershed

Between men and spirits

Under heaven's eyelid

Bird shadows are like words,


Turn left, stride up-slope,

Then turn left again, then up some more

Following water and earth washing away

Running fake fissures through themselves,

Pretending to crack

Soul shrugs loose its bonds

And roams free through white of cloud

And blue of sky, no flower-scent

To smooth blemishes

The high plateau emerges

From under desolation's skirt

And dances

Each movement full of such beauty

Humanity's ravishing beauty

Next, head north, turn west,

Go left, stride up-slope

A horse draws a long sword

From his throat

And swings

Cutting demons in half

Every deep hoof-print

A record of great achievement

Every naked stone a Buddha-bone

The years leave the boom times behind,

Years never grow old and tired

Road Signs

In places, you find weak links on old roads

Places the path thins and grows frail on the land

Floods and downpours carry it away, sometimes

Thickets of thorny bush cover over it, sometimes

Heavy fogs besiege it on all sides, sometimes

Time's passing undoes its earthly tethers, sometimes

Lies and falsehoods deceive it, sometimes

Sometimes, ghosts in your mind remould it to their own ends

The result of all this, is horse-caravans and pilgrims

Can't make it to the high plateau snow-fields

And the sacred places we have, here on earth

Can't make it into the palm of the Buddha's hand

But when you look, and see directions all in disarray,

There's always a road sign nearby:

A horse's hoof-print


White bones

Nyima Mounds

Hand-held scripture spinners

Prayer flags


And other such things

But there are also eternal road signs -

The fixed signs of the sun, the moon

They point the way

And flowers walk towards spring

Rivers run to the ocean

Birds fly to freedom,

Old roads cleave straight through perilous places

Peoples find faith

The soul daubed in light, and mercy

The sky will never be overgrown

With weeds

The earth will never grow old

Meadows of the High Plateau

Grasses that seeped slowly out of snowmelt

In the outheld palms of the spirits

Clutching spring's tail, grow wild and thick

They're not tall, but they're high up on snow mountains

Grasses of the mortal worlds below can only

Gaze, and eat their high mountain dust

These meadow-grasses' skulls are coordinates

For the sun on the move

Little creeks run successions of crystalline lakes

And drape themselves on meadow grasses'

Slender necks

Meadows are the lovers of snow mountains

Flower petals fly around everywhere

Yellow, red, purple

Closing circles around the soft warmth

Of the high plateau

For their wedding gowns, they reach out

And make do with a handful of blue sky

And white cloud

Horses and pack-mules on long journeys come here

And exhaustion slides off their shoulders,

Hunger too, slides off their shoulders

And they drink the spring light,

They drink the Herders' songs

They take their fill here

And then they press on

Pushing through the guts

Of the seasons

Walking towards hoof-prints

Left behind by life, at its peak

And leave a sweet feeling of pain

Behind in the meadow

Winter on the high plateau is impatient

It comes bursting in

Not waiting for Autumn to leave

A few swipes, and the green is blotted out

In the meadows

And covered under Winter's white flesh

Winter wants to ruin the meadows

Make them barren

To stifle the grasses' singing voices

But the grasses blaze golden flames

And sing that their souls never gave up

And how far they've flown now

Before Sunset

Sunset is a bullet

Red in the eyes, deranged,

Aimed at the back of daytime's white skull

Migrating birds crowd the sky's flyways

High plateau running on fast feet

Pauses at the narrow mountain pass

Where stars come and go

In and out of sight

The black night is grasping one extremity

Of the old road, tight, but it keeps dancing

A horse-caravan man quickens his footsteps

He wants out of the graveyard

By sunset

Not interested in fighting with ghosts

For control of the land

He wants to finish the snow peak's traverse

By sunset

Not wanting to talk with spirits

About hardships suffered

He wants to cross the canyon to its far side

By sunset

Unwilling to let ghosts mix him up

On the topic of right and wrong

He wants to put distance between him

And the forest

By sunset

To avoid entanglement with demons

And losing sense of himself

Some borders are not to be crossed

Sunset bears down

Its warning clear --

All life has its place of return

A place to dwell

Night's huge bestial body

Is already stirring

Time is starting to tilt

Kitchen smoke lifts villages into the sky

Wanting to escape sunset's assault

River water flows out of dusk's throat

But can't get around the wind's flow-block

The vastness of the land gradually darkens

The sound of crops growing at full speed

Covers up twilight

The horse-caravan man quickens his footsteps

Wanting inside the village walls

Before sunset

To be with his brothers, and all drink their fill

He wants to feed the horses

Before sunset

So he can rest with companions from the road

He wants to light the fire

Before sunset

And take warmth into his immortal soul

He wants to tune his zither

Before sunset

And confess his love

To the girl in his heart

In life, there are some kinds of joy

That need you to stand up and take them

Make sure to pass on sunset's blessings

All life has its own path

Sunset can also be a tiny speck

Of sugar in your mouth

So sweet that you feel it in your bones

At the place where birds turn around

To make their return

Fireflies form ranks, and march

And wherever they go

Night shrinks to the edges

The high plateau

The old road

The horse-teams

All keep walking forward

A Rock with Long Legs

When someone's personality

Hides its sharp edges inside a soft body

And looks space-time in the face

Level-headed, at all its vastness,

This leads to feet growing

Straight out of life's source

And no one can stop them from walking

This journey started

Long before horse-teams started walking

They walked far away


Faster than river rapids

Or an eagle in flight

They crossed through many forests

Climbed many high mountains

Passed through many seasons

And dynasties

When the horse-teams rest

They don't stop walking

They trample night's black head

They subdue thunder's malice

And lightning

There was a time when flowers made them sick with worry

All manner of flowers --

Restrained elegance, carnal enchantments

But they never forgot their purpose, their original intention

They raced with time

And even if their bodies were broken

And their bones crushed to powder,

They wouldn't die without first burying the desolation


Bury it along with all cowardice

Bury humiliations and wailing tears

They may never turn into Buddhas

But they'll never lose their Buddha spirit

They carry the light with them

True to the Buddha's decree

The horse-team stops at the turn

Of eras

As always, they tread the pilgrims' path

Robed in thick moss

Moss is their kasaya

Time Takes Form

The old road is a reel

Of film

Fed into the high plateau movie projector

Times takes form on blue-sky screen

Leopard tears the night

Ant rolls the dawn light along

Huge tree cradles a spirit's abode

Tiny flower holds on tight to drifting souls

One tribe heads east

Another tribe goes west

In the end, they reach a meeting place

Where mountains and waters hold the land


Little by little, they enter each other's lives

Rocks of the Zhou dynasty

Smashed skulls of older kingdoms,

Xia and Shang,

Qin dynasty built its power

And a new landscape to hold it

From bones of six broken kingdoms

The wind of Tang Dynasty

And rain from Song

Were lovers, in secret

You'll find their offspring

Everywhere, in the ancient poems

Running here and there

Ming dynasty's moon

Captured and left to rot

In the decay of the Qing

Blood of war

Tears of hardships

Joyous whoops of victory

Wracking sobs of failure

All hold each other up

Staying on their feet

And no-one knows

Who will be the next character

To ascend the stage

Horse hoof-prints

Look up into the camera

Endless grass land

Is all that's left

Frenzied dancing grasses

Demons dancing through them

  • 在水边


  • 朝花夕拾


  • 反攻柏林


  • 鲁迅和那个时代的战争


  • 妈妈也有想妈妈的时候


  • 犹太人的大智慧


  • 那时倾慕于你


  • 重生女帝之至尊幻瞳


  • 半窥阴空


  • 无上刀皇


  • 医路惊心:再见成婚


  • 浴火重生邪凤归来


  • 一见钟情的胜利


  • 幽之哲理


  • 情人的奢华

