
第99章 Jagiellonian University in Krakow: Let reason prev



The Jagiellonian University (Polish: Uniwersytet Jagielloński) was established in 1364 by Casimir III the Great in Kazimierz. It is the oldest university in Poland, the sec-ond oldest university in Central Europe and one of the oldest universities in the world. In 1400 the Krakow Academy owed its res-toration and modernization to the legacy left by the Polish queen-saint Jadwiga (1384—1399). The Jagiellonian University has got its present name after her royal husband, King Ladislav II Jagiello (1386—1434), who fulfilled faithfully her will, and after his successors from the Jagiellonian dynasty that would support the school later on. As early as in the mid 15th century the Krakow University became Europe’s leading academic center of mathematics, astronomy, astrology, geography and legal studies. Over the past centuries it has educated myriad great men, including Nicolaus Copernicus (1491—1495) and Pope John Paul II (1938—1939, 1942—1946) The University not only takes part in development of science, health protection, art and other fields of culture but also educates and up-brings students and academic personnel according to ideas of humanism and tolerance, spirit of respect for truth and hard work, the law and justice, hu-man dignity, patriotism, democracy, honour and responsibility for society and homeland. The University operates by keeping constant contact with local and foreign research institutes, community centres, education and didactic institutions, cultural and economical units and also health care centres. Though mostly government-funded, the university enjoys broad autonomy regarding its management, finances, internal organization, sci-entific research, education, student enrollment, etc.

System: The university is divided into 15 faculties including: Faculty of Law and Administration; Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Analysis; Faculty of Health Care; Faculty of Philosophy; Faculty of History; Faculty of Philology; Faculty of Polish Language and Literature; Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science; Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; Fac-ulty of Chemistry; Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences; Faculty of Management and Social Communication; Faculty of International and Political Studies; Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnolo-gy.

City show:Krakow is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. It has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, cultural, and artistic life and is one of Poland’s most import-ant economic hubs. Its historic centre, which includes the Old Town, Ka-zimierz and the Wawel Castle. The Planty Park is the best-known park in Krakow. Notable points of interest outside the city include the Wieliczka salt mine, the Tatra Mountains, the well-preserved former Nazi concen-tration camp at Auschwitz, and Ojcowski National Park, which includes Renaissance Pieskowa Ska Castle.


astrology [..str.l.d..] n. 占星学;占星术;星座

myriad [.m.r..d] n. 无数,极大数量

humanism [.hjum..n.z.m] n. 人道主义

tolerance [.t.l.r.ns] n. 宽容;容忍

dignity [.d.ɡn.ti] n. 高贵;尊严

patriotism [.petr...t.z.m] n. 爱国主义;爱国精神

didactic [da..d.kt.k] a. 说教的




克拉科夫雅盖隆大学各学院分散坐落于市区,其中的玛伊乌斯大讲堂(Collegium Maius)是全波兰最古老的大学建筑,现已成为博物馆。当游客造访时,可以望见西侧屋顶封火墙旁有个出入口。五百年前未满20岁的哥白尼还在这当住宿生的时候,常半夜从这儿爬到屋顶上,躺着看星星。


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