

Great Zeus, why didst thou, to man's sorrow, put woman, evil counterfeit, to dwell where shines the sun? If thou wert minded that the human race should multiply, it was not from women they should have drawn their stock, but in thy temples they should have paid gold or iron or ponderous bronze and bought a family, each man proportioned to his offering, and so in independence dwelt, from women free. But now as soon as ever we would bring this plague into our home we bring its fortune to the ground. 'Tis clear from this how great a curse a woman is; the very father, that begot and nurtured her, to rid him of the mischief, gives her a dower and packs her off; while the husband, who takes the noxious weed into his home, fondly decks his sorry idol in fine raiment and tricks her out in robes, squandering by degrees, unhappy wight! his house's wealth. For he is in this dilemma;say his marriage has brought him good connections, he is glad then to keep the wife he loathes; or, if he gets a good wife but useless kin, he tries to stifle the bad luck with the good. But it is easiest for him who has settled in his house as wife mere cipher, incapable from simplicity. I hate a clever woman; never may she set foot in my house who aims at knowing more than women need; for in these clever women Cypris implants a larger store of villainy, while the artless woman is by her shallow wit from levity debarred. No servant should ever have had access to a wife, but men should put to live with them beasts, which bite, not talk, in which case they could not speak to any one nor be answered back by them. But, as it is, the wicked in their chambers plot wickedness, and their servants carry it abroad. Even thus, vile wretch, thou cam'st to make me partner in an outrage on my father's honour; wherefore I must wash that stain away in running streams, dashing the water into my ears.

How could I commit so foul a crime when by the very mention of it Ifeel myself polluted? Be well assured, woman, 'tis only my religious scruple saves thee. For had not I unawares been caught by an oath, 'fore heaven! I would not have refrained from telling all unto my father. But now I will from the house away, so long as Theseus is abroad, and will maintain strict silence. But, when my father comes, Iwill return and see how thou and thy mistress face him, and so shall Ilearn by experience the extent of thy audacity. Perdition seize you both! I can never satisfy my hate for women, no! not even though some say this is ever my theme, for of a truth they always are evil.

So either let some one prove them chaste, or let me still trample on them for ever.

(HIPPOLYTUS departs in anger.)

CHORUS (chanting)

O the cruel, unhappy fate of women! What arts, what arguments have we, once we have made a slip, to loose by craft the tight-drawn knot?

PHAEDRA (chanting)

I have met my deserts. O earth, O light of day! How can I escape the stroke of fate? How my pangs conceal, kind friends? What god will appear to help me, what mortal to take my part or help me in unrighteousness? The present calamity of my life admits of no escape. Most hapless I of all my ***!


Alas, alas! the deed is done, thy servant's schemes have gone awry, my queen, and all is lost.


Accursed woman! traitress to thy friends! How hast thou ruined me!

May Zeus, my ancestor, smite thee with his fiery bolt and uproot thee from thy place. Did I not foresee thy purpose, did I not bid thee keep silence on the very matter which is now my shame? But thou wouldst not be still; wherefore my fair name will not go with me to the tomb. But now I must another scheme devise. Yon youth, in the keenness of his fury, will tell his father of my sin, and the aged Pittheus of my state and fill the world with stories to my shame.

Perdition seize thee and every meddling fool who by dishonest means would serve unwilling friends!


Mistress, thou may'st condemn the mischief I have done, for sorrow's sting o'ermasters thy judgment; yet can I answer thee in face of this, if thou wilt hear. 'Twas I who nurtured thee; I love thee still; but in my search for medicine to cure thy sickness I found what least I sought. Had I but succeeded, I had been counted wise, for the credit we get for wisdom is measured by our success.


Is it just, is it any satisfaction to me, that thou shouldst wound me first, then bandy words with me?


We dwell on this too long; I was not wise, I own; but there are yet ways of escape from the trouble, my child.


Be dumb henceforth; evil was thy first advice to me, evil too thy attempted scheme. Begone and leave me, look to thyself; I will my own fortunes for the best arrange.

(The NURSE goes into the palace.)

Ye noble daughters of Troezen, grant me the only boon I crave;in silence bury what ye here have heard.


By majestic Artemis, child of Zeus, I swear I will never divulge aught of thy sorrows.


'Tis well. But I, with all my thought, can but one way discover out of this calamity, that so I may secure my children's honour, and find myself some help as matters stand. For never, never will Ibring shame upon my Cretan home, nor will I, to save one poor life, face Theseus after my disgrace.


Art thou bent then on some cureless woe?


On death; the means thereto must I devise myself.




Do thou at least advise me well. For this very day shall I gladden Cypris, my destroyer, by yielding up my life, and shall own myself vanquished by cruel love. Yet shall my dying be another's curse, that he may learn not to exult at my misfortunes; but when he comes to share the self-same plague with me, he will take a lesson in wisdom.

(PHAEDRA enters the palace.)

CHORUS (chanting)

strophe 1

O to be nestling 'neath some pathless cavern, there by god's creating hand to grow into a bird amid the winged tribes! Away would Isoar to Adria's wave-beat shore and to the waters of Eridanus; where a father's hapless daughters in their grief for Phaethon distil into the glooming flood the amber brilliance of their tears.

antistrophe 1

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  • 遇见四叶草的奇幻之旅


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  • 她有满天星


  • 大佬借我抱下大腿


    上一世,她黎玖是传说中的“穷逼”体质…她年纪轻轻的就坐上了佣兵王的位子,空有一身力大无穷的异能,存款竟然连她属下都比不上!从小到大,她从来没捡过一分钱,黎玖表示灰常忧桑!!突然有一天,她在做任务的时候意外身亡…这一世,她竟然魂穿了!穿在了一名和她同名同姓的高中生身上。她惊讶的发现她的异能也还在,更悲催的是,那个另她咬牙切齿的“穷逼”体质也随之而来。黎玖决定自己一定要摆脱“贫困户”!在进行过无数次实验后,她发现了一个另她发家致富的秘密。只要自己靠近大.顾北.佬,这个体质就仿佛被屏蔽了般。不用自己做什么,财运就会接踵而来。至此之后…顾北身后多了一个小尾巴,每当顾北转身看黎玖。她就会露出一个谄媚的笑容,道“大佬,借抱大腿不?!”……… 本文男女双洁1v1,轻松沙雕。喜欢的小仙女们欢迎入坑(?°з°)-?
  • 山海关(千种豆瓣高分原创作品·世间态)


    作品梳理了作者记忆深处的东北故乡。在清朝,作者的先辈从山东省登州府海阳县逃荒到了山海关外,参与了人类迁徙史上那场规模最大的“闯关东”。而清廷为防止汉人出关,还在辽河和松花江流域沿壕沟栽植柳树,形成了一条“柳条边”。作者从方方面面详述了自己家乡——一个名叫祥顺号的村落,构建起一部个人视角的“东北史”。游子漂泊他乡,站到与时光对峙的彼岸,发出思乡之情,才能发现故乡的存在。漂泊的作者渴望能像《呼兰河传》里的萧红那样,灵魂通过文字可以重返故乡。离家已久,所谓未老莫还乡。然而读了吕明光的《东北书》,觉得不回也罢,他的文字已经满足了我的思乡之情。在《东北书》里,作者用饱含深情的笔墨写出了东北的故土风物,让我们触摸到那片神奇的土地的音容笑貌。一切栩栩如生,一切绚烂而至平淡。(原天涯社区文学主编、作家、评论家 朴素)不要因为看过赵本山的演出就自以为了解了东北。吕明光的《东北书》虽未彻底颠覆赵氏概念,但绝对是一种健康有益的梳理和完善。东北人和东北风情,比你想象中的内容要丰富得多。(著名专栏作家、杂文家 王国华)从小处说起,却是为东北做一大好事。文化的事,本就是点滴做起,凡搞花架子大排场的,多是别有用心。这书胜过耗巨资造什么所谓的“文化城”。(著名作家、网络评论家 孟庆德)吕明光,男,1978年生,吉林榆树人,现居天津。职业为中学语文教师。作品散见于《北方文学》、《读者》等多种报刊。入选多种选本。2011年出版《田园将芜胡不归:陶渊明诗传》(天津人民出版社)一书。