

If the dispenser remains, I shall leave my house in good spirits If my ready money is saved, and my body, why truly All is saved, for a bachelor easily flies when 'tis needed.""Neighbour," rejoin'd forthwith young Hermann, with emphasis speaking "Altogether I differ, and greatly blame your opinions.

Can that man be deem'd worthy, who both in good and ill fortune Thinks alone of himself, and knows not the secret of sharing Sorrows and joys with others, and feels no longing to do so?

I could more easily now than before determine to marry Many an excellent maiden needs a husband's protection, Many a man a cheerful wife, when sorrow's before him."Smilingly said then the father:--"I'm pleas'd to hear what you're saying, Words of such wisdom have seldom been utter'd by you in my presence.

Then his good mother broke in, in her turn, with vivacity speaking "Son, you are certainly right. We parents set the example.

'Twas not in time of pleasure that we made choice of each other, And 'twas the saddest of hours, that knitted us closely together.

Monday morning,--how well I remember! the very day after That most terrible fire occurr'd which burnt down the borough, Twenty years ago now; the day, like to-day, was a Sunday, Hot and dry was the weather, and little available water.

All the inhabitants, clothed in their festival garments, were walking, Scatter'd about in the inns and the mills of the neighbouring hamlets.

At one end of the town the fire broke out, and the flames ran Hastily all through the streets, impell'd by the draught they created.

And the barns were consumed, where all the rich harvest was gather'd And all the streets as far as the market; the dwelling house also Of my father hard by was destroy'd, as likewise was this one.

Little indeed could we save; I sat the sorrowful night through On the green of the town, protecting the beds and the boxes.

Finally sleep overtook me, and when by the cool breeze of morning Which dies away when the sun arises I was awaken'd, Saw I the smoke and the glow, and the half-consumed walls and the chimneys.

Then my heart was sorely afflicted; but soon in his glory Rose the sun more brilliant than ever, my spirits reviving.

Then in haste I arose, impell'd the site to revisit Where our dwelling had stood, to see if the chickens were living Which I especially loved; for childlike I still was by nature.

But when over the ruins of courtyard and house I was climbing, Which still smoked, and saw my dwelling destroy'd and deserted, You came up on the other side, the ruins exploring.

You had a horse shut up in his stall; the still-glowing rafters Over it lay, and rubbish, and nought could be seen of the creature.

Over against each other we stood, in doubt and in sorrow, For the wall had fallen which used to sever our courtyards;And you grasp'd my hand, addressing me softly as follows 'Lizzy, what here are you doing? Away! Your soles you are burning, For the rubbish is hot, and is scorching my boots which are thicker.'

Then you lifted me up, and carried me off through your courtyard.

There still stood the gateway before the house, with its arch'd roof, Just as it now is standing, the only thing left remaining.

And you sat me down and kiss'd me, and I tried to stop you, But you presently said, with kindly words full of meaning 'See, my house is destroy'd! Stop here and help me to build it, I in return will help to rebuild the house of your father.'

I understood you not, till you sent to my father your mother, And ere long our marriage fulfilid the troth we soon plighted.

Still to this day I remember with pleasure the half-consumed rafters, Still do I see the sun in all his majesty rising, For on that day I gain'd my husband; the son of my youth too Gained I during that earliest time of the wild desolation.

Therefore commend I you, Hermann, for having with confidence guileless Turn'd towards marriage your thoughts in such a period of mourning, And for daring to woo in war and over the ruins.--"Then the father straightway replied, with eagerness speaking:--"Sensible is your opinion, and true is also the story Which you have told us, good mother, for so did ev'rything happen.

But what is better is better. 'Tis not the fortune of all men All their life and existence to find decided beforehand;All are not doom'd to such troubles as we and others have suffer'd.

O, how happy is he whose careful father and mother Have a house ready to give him, which he can successfully manage!

All beginnings are hard, and most so the landlords profession.

Numberless things a man must have, and ev'rything daily Dearer becomes, so he needs to scrape together more money.

So I am hoping that you, dear Hermann, will shortly be bringing Home to us a bride possessing an excellent dowry, For a worthy husband deserves a girl who is wealthy, And 'tis a capital thing for the wish'd-for wife to bring with her Plenty of suitable articles stow'd in her baskets and boxes.

Not in vain for years does the mother prepare for her daughter Stocks of all kinds of linen, both finest and strongest in texture;Not in vain do god-parents give them presents of silver, Or the father lay by in his desk a few pieces of money.

For she hereafter will gladden, with all her goods and possessions, That happy youth who is destined from out of all others to choose her.

Yes! I know how pleasant it makes a house for a young wife, When she finds her own property placed in the rooms and the kitchen, And when she herself has cover'd the bed and the table.

  • Henry VIII and His Court

    Henry VIII and His Court

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