
第103章 Chapter 12(2)

All fears for Sophia being now removed, Jones became the object of the squire's consideration.- "Come, my lad," says Western, "d'off thy quoat and wash thy feace; for att in a devilish pickle, I promise thee. Come, come, wash thyself, and shat go huome with me; and we'l zee to vind thee another quoat."Jones immediately complied, threw off his coat, went down to the water, and washed both his face and bosom; for the latter was as much exposed and as bloody as the former. But though the water could clear off the blood, it could not remove the black and blue marks which Thwackum had imprinted on both his face and breast, and which, being discerned by Sophia, drew from her a sigh and a look full of inexpressible tenderness.

Jones received this full in his eyes, and it had infinitely a stronger effect on him than all the contusions which he had received before. An effect, however, widely different; for so soft and balmy was it, that, had all his former blows been stabs, it would for some minutes have prevented his feeling their smart.

The company now moved backwards, and soon arrived where Thwackum had got Mr. Blifil again on his legs. Here we cannot suppress a pious wish, that all quarrels were to be decided by those weapons only with which Nature, knowing what is proper for us, hath supplied us;and that cold iron was to be used in digging no bowels but those of the earth. Then would war, the pastime of monarchs, be almost inoffensive, and battles between great armies might be fought at the particular desire of several ladies of quality; who, together with the kings themselves, might be actual spectators of the conflict. Then might the field be this moment well strewed with human carcasses, and the next, the dead men, or infinitely the greatest part of them, might get up, like Mr. Bayes's troops, and march off either at the sound of a drum or fiddle, as should be previously agreed on.

I would avoid, if possible, treating this matter ludicrously, lest grave men and politicians, whom I know to be offended at a jest, may cry pish at it; but, in reality, might not a battle be as well decided by the greater number of broken heads, bloody noses, and black eyes, as by the greater heaps of mangled and murdered human bodies? Might not towns be contended for in the same manner? Indeed, this may be thought too detrimental a scheme to the French interest, since they would thus lose the advantage they have over other nations in the superiority of their engineers; but when I consider the gallantry and generosity of that people, I am persuaded they would never decline putting themselves upon a par with their adversary; or, as the phrase is, ****** themselves his match.

But such reformations are rather to be wished than hoped for: Ishall content myself, therefore, with this short hint, and return to my narrative.

Western began now to inquire into the original rise of this quarrel.

To which neither Blifil nor Jones gave any answer; but Thwackum said surlily, "I believe the cause is not far off; if you beat the bushes well you may find her."- "Find her?" replied Western: "what! have you been fighting for a wench?"- "Ask the gentleman in his waistcoat there," said Thwackum: "he best knows." "Nay then," cries Western, "it is a wench certainly.- Ah, Tom, Tom, thou art a liquorish dog. But come, gentlemen, be all friends, and go home with me, and make final peace over a bottle." "I ask your pardon, sir," says Thwackum: "it is no such slight matter for a man of my character to be thus injuriously treated, and buffeted by a boy, only because I would have done my duty, in endeavouring to detect and bring to justice a wanton harlot; but, indeed, the principal fault lies in Mr.

Allworthy and yourself; for if you put the laws in execution, as you ought to do, you will soon rid the country of these vermin.""I would as soon rid the country of foxes," cries Western. "Ithink we ought to encourage the recruiting those numbers which we are every day losing in the war.- But where is she? Prithee, Tom, show me." He then began to beat about, in the same language and in the same manner as if he had been beating for a hare; and at last cried out, "Soho! Puss is not far off. Here's her form, upon my soul; Ibelieve I may cry stole away." And indeed so he might; for he had now discovered the place whence the poor girl had, at the beginning of the fray, stolen away, upon as many feet as a hare generally uses in travelling.

Sophia now desired her father to return home; saying she found herself very faint, and apprehended a relapse. The squire immediately complied with his daughter's request (for he was the fondest of parents). He earnestly endeavoured to prevail with the whole company to go and sup with him: but Blifil and Thwackum absolutely refused; the former saying, there were more reasons than he could then mention, why he must decline this honour; and the latter declaring (perhaps rightly) that it was not proper for a person of his function to be seen at any place in his present condition.

Jones was incapable of refusing the pleasure of being with his Sophia; so on he marched with Squire Western and his ladies, the parson bringing up the rear. This had, indeed, offered to tarry with his brother Thwackum, professing his regard for the cloth would not permit him to depart; but Thwackum would not accept the favour, and, with no great civility, pushed him after Mr. Western.

Thus ended this bloody fray; and thus shall end the fifth book of this history.

  • 前后七国志


  • 荆釵记


  • 倩女离魂


  • 北斗七星护摩法


  • 客窗闲话续集


  • 盛我以泪纳我以歌


  • 穿越:我的鬼面相公


  • 天行


  • 三国武神纪


  • 喋血宫闱谋:煞妃惊华


  • 天仙降


    她是四海八荒共同景仰的神,是继父神后的天地主宰者时,他是卓信祎;她是世间唯一一只雷系凤凰,是凤族窈灵神女的继承人时,他是卓信祎;她是集万千宠爱于一身的上神,是天帝亲封的问仙公主时,他是卓信祎;她是世人闻风丧胆的魔族统领,是复魔宫第二任妖芈王时,他是卓信祎;她是凡人心目中最羡慕的女孩,是东良国最受宠的公主时,他是卓信祎;这辈子,她是希望与生命的使者,是世间第一任百花神女,而他,依旧还是那个九尾神狐卓信祎。千年万年,一眼万年,六生六世,轮回转世。海不枯,她不离,石不烂,他不弃。玲珑骰子安红豆,疑是天仙降人间! (本段简介是对于女主身世的概括,与故事正文没有太大关系。本小说属于仙侠奇缘,非玛丽苏,非言情,非后宫,非种马,谢谢!)
  • 战山河


  • 斗破诸天发财路


  • Poems1


  • 天行

